Does Card Counting Work? The Truth Behind Card Counting

Does Card Counting Work?

A popular question that casino goers frequently ask is, “Does counting cards in Blackjack work?” The short answer is, “It works in theory, but the real world is different from the theoretical one.” In addition, card counting as a form of gambling is illegal in many jurisdictions. Before you dive in and try to win at card counting, you may want to consider whether it is legal or not.

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In blackjack, counting cards is a simple matter of making a list of all the possible cards that can be turned into cash when a player bets, win or folds. This process can be complicated, however. In order for players to successfully count cards, they must know the value of each card – the higher the card’s value, the more cards you need to bet or fold. Knowing the value of a card is also important because some cards have an automatic bet when they are turned up face up (called the “high card”), and others have a small bet when they are turned down (known as the “low card”).

Some people argue that card counting is not really cheating–if players know the cards before hand, then there is no way for them to count cards when they leave the table. However, if you consider that card counting is an emotional response to the uncertainty of a particular hand–whether the cards are high or low, or which player has the advantage–you can see how people can get emotionally attached to this activity. In addition, it is easy to get distracted when counting cards, so players should be sure to pay attention to what is happening while they are counting.

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Does Card Counting Work? The Truth Behind Card Counting

Some people claim that card counting is a form of gambling, and in many jurisdictions it is illegal. On the other hand, some experts claim that the card counterintuitively helps players concentrate on winning hands and helps them stay in the game longer. Counting cards in Blackjack works when you remember certain tricks to multiply your wins. One way to do this is to count out hands until you have reached two out of three cards.

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To make the best use of this technique, think of it as an exercise. Start off with a number one out of three and work your way up. You can use this trick with any deck–even a deck with poor cards! If you have a deck with royal cards, use the out-of-three trick to count cards. As you progress from hand to hand, you can switch from royal to clubs or hearts, and so on.

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The bottom line is: “Does card counting work?” Only you can decide. If you don’t feel comfortable doing it, though, it might be worth hiring a professional–or even a friend–to do it for you. Just keep in mind that it is your hand, so take pride in knowing that card counting really does work!

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