Principles and Practice of the Ministry of Self-Deliverance

The knowledge of the revelation (of war) is necessary because it is the principle behind the practical liberation that you seek. You must know the principles or knowledge of revelation before the practice takes place in your inner mind. You can only hold what your mind establishes in your subconscious consciousness. To be warned is to be forewarned. Most churches don’t teach this way, yet this is what people go through on a daily basis. Even most prayer warriors are not trained in the principles and practice of strategic directed warfare. Don’t think you don’t need it because it can be the light of your family. You need to free others after your own liberation is complete. If this has been going on for a while, the sooner you start the better.

Here’s what you need to know to engage in strategic and targeted warfare:

1. Know your enemy (it is the first law of spiritual battle or any war).

2. Understand the blood covenant with Jesus Christ.

3. Know who you are, who is in you, whose you are and the authority you have.

4. Understand the difference between spiritual captivity and supernatural freedom.

Spiritual warfare is not just binding the devil or demons; It is working and walking in the light of God’s word and obeying our commander-in-chief, Jesus Christ. Come the devil’s disobedience when his own obedience is complete. Therefore, if you live in secret sin, you cannot be victorious.

The spiritual battle and the enemy’s involvement is about enforcing the victory of Jesus and the defeat of Satan.

You are an occupation soldier enforcing victory and the post-war treaty so that the enemy cannot rise again. You must know five cardinal principles:

The War – The spiritual battle is never against physical human beings of flesh, bone and blood. Know and recognize the reality of the spiritual realm. Also that we are immersed in a constant war between good and evil; Christ and Satan; light and darkness; captivity and freedom; ignorance and education.

The Warriors: blood-washed soldiers of the cross bought with blood who assert victory over satan and his numerous demonic cohorts, as well as human agents.

The war zone: the battlefield of the mind is an intrinsic factor, the family, the Church, the community (including the depths of satan in the marine world) and the heavens.

Weapons: not carnal, but spiritual weaponry. It involves tearing down fortresses. The authority in the name of Jesus, Blood of Jesus, Anointing and Word of God that is the sword of the spirit.

The winning strategies: victory is already assured before entering. It implies the role of the occupying army in coordinating the plan, tactics, techniques and technology, putting everything into consideration to ensure victory.

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