The Indians exaggerated their celebrations for 2 Olympic medals!

A UK commentator laughs at the Indians:


For winning 2 medals: one silver and one bronze.

With 120 billion inhabitants!

Come on, aren’t you upset?

You should have done better.

Laugh at others

The godly trait is: laugh with others.

The devilish trait is: laughing at others or making fun of others.

Why do we laugh at others?

The UK ranks second in the Olympic Games gold medal count.

He has achieved a medal per million people.

But, when you live in a developed nation,

Learn: How not to look down on developing nations.

It is not a natural reaction, of a civilized human being.

We must instill higher godly traits,

More so, if we belong to a developed nation.

Unfortunately, we have been the victims of ‘feeling proud and superior’.

Why troll!

When we despise a person or a nation,

We feel: we are relatively better.

It makes us happier.

As a child we learn:

‘When wealth is lost, nothing is lost;

When health is lost, something is lost;

And when the character is lost, all is lost ‘- Billy Graham.

A character is built by integrating divine traits:

Humility, devotion and perseverance, honesty, controlled sensual desires, believing presence of God himself in humanity, regardless of color, gender, religion and race.

Winning a medal by any means, including doping, is not desirable.

Earn medals, but keep basic human values.

If we are still slaves to lust, falsehood, snobbish perspective, we are subhuman.

* A ‘I am the greatest’, winner of the gold medal, is a slave of his sensual desires,

He acted less human, despite his athletic excellence.

* A gold medal winner, gets drunk and resorts to vandalism,

And he makes a false claim: they robbed us.

He is a minor human being.

It could have been deprived of the sponsorship of advertisers,

You still need to understand life.

He has yet to learn the art of the moderate and disciplined life.

* If a female athlete from a developing country participates in the Olympic Games,

Traveling for the first time by air,

And win a bronze medal

It is a journey that deserves praise and recognition.

It is easy to laugh at others, but it is difficult to laugh with others.

The Olympic Games are intended to motivate humanity to excel in physical fitness.

We need physical fitness and medals, but not at the cost of ethics and morals.

May the Olympic Games recognize excellence in sport and discourage misadventures.

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