What is bacterial vaginosis and its dangerous effects for women?

Bacterial vaginosis is usually a bacterial disease that affects the vagina of girls. This is most commonly found in women of childbearing age. Also known as BV, bacterial vaginosis is generally considered recurrent and antibiotics are well known for not producing a permanent cure for this abnormality very often. This bacterial infection is caused by an imbalance of bacteria inside the female vagina, which causes an imbalance in the pH factor (acid-base balance) inside the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an infection induced by a high increase in bad bacteria.

The result of BV is not fully understood. The fishy and foul odor coming from the vagina is the most striking symptom of BV. It is usually accompanied by bacterial discharge, burning, itching and pain. It can also lead to an infection of the bladder, uthrera and the skin near the genital area.

Not much is known about how the girls get BV. You may find many unanswered questions about the role dangerous bacteria play in causing BV. Any woman can have BV. However, some activities or behaviors can upset the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina and put women at higher risk, such as having a new sexual partner or multiple sexual partners and douching. It’s really not clear what role sexual activity plays in the development of BV. . Girls don’t get BV from toilet seats, bedding, swimming pools, or touching objects around them. Women who have never had sexual intercourse can also be affected.

The causes are still under debate, but the perfect treatment can quickly cure the problem. See your doctor instantly. It is a disease that is certainly recognized to recur and become chronic despite being treated, but whoever suffers from this condition should not be discouraged.

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