Will crying get my ex girlfriend back?

So you just split up with your girlfriend, her decision, obviously. And you think to yourself, “If I could get in front of her right now and show her my emotions, show her how I feel… I could win her back. I know, I’ll cry in front of her! She’ll love that stuff!”

It may not, in fact it definitely won’t. Crying around your now EX girlfriend will only make her realize what a good decision it was to return you to nature. Showing your feelings for her will just drive her away from her instead of drawing her towards you, which is what you want to do.

So how do you handle this? (You mean I have CHOICES?)

The fantastic news is that there is a strategy to win back the woman of your life (THANK GOD). It’s even quite simple… Not EASY but it’s simple. You have to follow the steps in the correct order and from the beginning you will feel quite “down” from the anguish. But hey, you’re used to that, right? (I was!)

A wise person once said, “LOGIC will never change an emotion, only ACTION will.” I don’t know if this particular guy had been dumped or not, but he was certainly onto something.

You may think that it is a good idea to reason with your ex and use logic to win her back. After all, Mr. Spock would. this doesn’t work Leonard Nimoy wouldn’t do it. It is better that you cry in front of her (that WAS NOT PERMISSION). I feel sorry for all the mathematicians and statisticians out there.

The only way to get it back is the same way you got it in the first place. from eBay. (JOKING) Pulling her back to you. And you can do it. I did… and I’m nothing special (just kidding).

People are not that different. All of our brains work the same way. Does that mean you can be a billionaire like Donald Trump? Actually, he does. If you had the same thoughts as Donald Trump, in the same ORDER as him, you would be him… and you would probably be very rich. Unfortunately, he keeps thoughts of him to himself, so I haven’t been able to tap into that particular gold mine yet.

So… How do we start?

You leave your ex alone for a while. What does this? Trust me, this gets things going. All kinds of thoughts fill their heads: “He’s quiet… Why doesn’t he contact me? Why doesn’t he text me constantly?”, “What is he doing?”, “Has he moved on? That was Quick!”, “Oh, God! What if he’s with Susan? She’s BEAUTIFUL!”

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