5 stages of development of a Silky Terrier puppy

Adding a Silky Terrier to your life? Knowing about your puppy’s development and what to expect during the first year of his life could reduce a lot of frustration. The way your Silky Terrier puppy thinks and acts will likely cause you to grind your teeth at times. But it will also make you smile.

Raising a Silky Terrier that first year is very similar to raising a baby for the first year. Except the pet will end up as a teenager at the end of the year.

When you have a puppy, he eats, plays, drinks, and relieves himself. Just as babies cry to indicate their needs, puppies will bite or get super hyperactive to let you know they need something too. If it’s urgent, they will stay that way.

It is important that you do not get angry or harshly discipline your new puppy. This will undermine their trust in you and also shake up your relationship. Silky are sensitive little terriers.

The five stages of puppy development that you will see in your Silky Terrier are:

Childhood: weeks 8 to 12

During this stage they are curious, playful and have very short attention spans. This is very normal for an active and healthy puppy. Yes, getting into everything and chewing is normal. They like to explore their surroundings, so be sure to pack up your slippers and not leave food on the table. It won’t be there when I get back.

Begin pre-training your puppy at this stage as well, but don’t do it except so that he remembers everything.

Terrible Two’s – Weeks 12 to 16

That’s right. You will go through it with your puppy even if you have already experienced it with your children!

But your puppy is also beginning to develop his personality. Be more active and daring than before.

In this phase they have a fully developed brain so you can start training.

Adolescents – Months 4 to 6

During this stage of your puppy’s development, you may notice that they want to avoid people, places, or situations. Slowly introduce them to the new situation and allow them to take their time to familiarize themselves with things.

Puberty – Months 6 to 9

Just one word here … hormones. Your puppy is going through a lot right now. Just remember when they seem to be doing something they are not supposed to do. Also, they will probably have a total attitude. Sounds familiar?

Adolescent – Months 9 to 12

They are beginning to calm down and act like young and mature adults. Although sometimes they just have to push the rules a bit, but not too much. You will notice that they do not bother when the guests arrive and they come when you call them.

Living with your Silky Terrier is one of the greatest pleasures you will ever experience.

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