A guide on what foods to avoid when feeding babies


Knowing everything you can about feeding your babies is the responsibility of all parents. In other words, babies need an incredible amount of energy during the first year of their lives in order to be healthy and develop naturally. Therefore, feeding babies should always be something that parents pay close attention to. However, there are always some problems. The problems parents have with their babies’ diets commonly stem from the fact that there is so much different information out there on the subject and many parents just don’t know who to trust. The Internet is full of tips on how to feed a baby, what to feed a baby, etc. The main problem is that this advice is not always good for all babies in particular and many parents have a hard time figuring out what to do in this situation.

Foods to avoid in infant feeding

When it comes to which foods parents are advised to avoid, the list is arguably long. The reasons for this are numerous: the baby’s digestive system, choking hazards, unsuitable foods in general, too spicy, etc. The best thing to do is to really avoid everything on the list, because this is the only safe way. Here are some of the more common types of foods to avoid when feeding babies:

  • Salty and sugary foods: Sugar or salt should never be added to solid baby foods, at least until the baby is one year of age. The reason for this is that too much sugar can cause problems like cavities, and too much salt is simply something a baby doesn’t need.
  • Honey and cow’s milk: Although many parents don’t know it, honey and cow’s milk should be avoided until the baby is one year old. The reason for this is the fact that honey can contain harmful bacteria, and cow’s milk contains enzymes that a baby cannot digest.
  • Chocolate and Nuts: Chocolate contains caffeine, sugar, and often cow’s milk, and none of this is beneficial for a baby. On the other hand, nuts are healthy, but they pose a potential choking hazard and many babies may be allergic to nuts.
  • Citrus Fruits – Although citrus fruits are extremely healthy for us, they can cause many different problems for babies, including stomach aches and rashes.
  • Hard foods – Any food that is hard to chew, sticky, and cut into large pieces is not the type of food babies should eat, for obvious reasons.


In short, it is important that inexperienced parents take everything related to feeding their babies very seriously. The reason for this is very simple: paying attention to what and how to feed a baby can prevent a lot of unnecessary trouble from occurring. On top of this, by giving their babies exactly what they need, parents allow them to develop naturally and become familiar with healthy eating at a very early age.

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