book review of "The Disappearance of God" by Albert Mohler

The disappearance of God: dangerous beliefs in the new spiritual opening [Hardcover]

by R. Albert Mohler Jr.

208 pages, $14.99

ISBN-13: 978-0307456298


The Roman philosopher Seneca noted, “Other men’s sins are before our eyes; ours are behind our backs.” Certainly, it is easier to see the sin committed by others while grudgingly hiding any hint of our own. Perhaps scrutiny of the modern church reveals that we no longer care about sin. Faced with this observation, the thinking Christian must ask himself: “Has God changed his mind about sin?

The problem inherent in this question is its implied spiritual reality. Dr. Albert Mohler, noted author and seminary president, maintains that God has not changed His mind about sin. As the population rapidly descends into the quagmire of postmodern relativism, the increasingly accepted religious stance shifts from mere tolerance to openness. Tolerance implies extreme openness, while openness allows non-judgment.

Such a change threatens the very existence of Christianity. Will the church contend for the faith, even if popular opinion rewards apathy? Will the church uphold the fundamentals of the faith, even when it becomes increasingly unpopular to do so?

For example, consider the fact that the very word sin has dropped out of our vocabulary. People may lack moral judgment or suffer from illness, but they will almost never be labeled as sinners. Modern culture resists the idea of ​​sin by insisting that it places an excessive amount of guilt on those exposed. The Christian, however, cannot ignore the reality of sin. Eliminating sin eradicates grace, the foundation on which the gospel is built.

Writing with the precision of a skilled physician who is determined to diagnose the ills of the church, Mohler’s analysis hits the mark. She tackles certain • hot topics; such as, the decline of church discipline; the fact that Hell is prohibited in preaching; and the growing preference for a secularized God. The church cannot give up its claims of biblical truth in light of the ever-present pain they cause culturally.

To respond to this problem, the church must return to biblical preaching and courageously continue its missionary enterprise. In doing so, the victorious church will endure cultural deviations from the truth and discover that an omnipresent God can never disappear.

Pastors and Church Leaders: This book is recommended as a “must read.”

Dr. R. Albert Mohler’s analysis of the Scriptures is very solid. He serves as the ninth president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, the flagship school of the Southern Baptist Convention and one of the largest seminaries in the world. When the seminar isn’t keeping you busy, Dr. Mohler is also a host The Albert Mohler programa national radio show live daily that addresses key issues affecting Christianity today.

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