conquer yourself

We all have a lot to conquer; the way to success is full of fences of different heights, widths and shapes. Any place without obstacles does not lead to an important place. To be successful in life, you have to be in full control of your own life. Take responsibility for all your actions are the beginning of a life linked to success. Such a lifestyle will give you the comprehension of “what” to do, things to avoid, those to learn in addition to teaching you many “as” that leads to the place where fulfillment and satisfaction reside.

One of the biggest failure mindsets in life is being blame shift; somehow it’s discouraging when people quickly shift blame due to your self-centered perspective. Don’t be ashamed of your mistakes, after all you did; nobody is perfect; it is only when we learn from our mistakes that we overcome challenges and become better at life.

whenever you fall wait One minute, look back to see because you fell; I hope to re-evaluate where you go and that is required; then continue the trip if to worth living for

A plane has to overcome the force of gravity before it can fly, the earth likes good things too, and actually wants the plane to be in its possession forever. Every success story has fierce battles behind it.. It’s a never give up type of war, no wonder planes run very fast and make a very loud noise before taking off. I assume the plane is telling the force of gravity that “No way! I have to let go of your grip in order to fly.”

We are all born blank, we are all products of our environment, what happened to our “doors of the eye” and “ear-doors” they were the building blocks of our personalities that ultimately formed the structure of knowledge, understanding, attitude, and behavior patterns.

there is a need for “look in” and identify those things that have been slowing down your progress. must be conquered! You must come to the realization that “you are your own worst enemy.” You are the only one responsible for all your challenges, be they financial, marital, academic, spiritual, you name it!

Oversleeping, procrastination, TV addiction, laziness, distractions, overeating, loose tongue, bad friends, corrupt associates, wrong assumptions, waste, and many other negative attitudes are all your fault. YEAH! Only yours, every human being can have full control of their lives “if only they are willing”, Either your life is your life or others will live it for you.

Either you conquer yourself and become successful or you continue with the “pampering game” and remain stuck; A wise man once said that:

The free and best victory is over oneself, you have to conquer yourself or it will conquer you

If you ever want a diamond, you must be fully prepared for fierce battles with the rocks that hold it in custody. Be dodge blame is a sign of shyness and a great refusal to learn from mistakes. No leading! No improvements! Many people will give endless, cheap and repetitive excuses like it’s too cold, too hot, I’m tired, it’s too much, I often sleep when I read, there are many must-watch TV shows, my parents are poor, I have no one to help me. help, Nobody to teach me, It is impossible to save money, The distance, The speaker, The Health, The cloth, The height, The weight, The hair, My partner, My children, My dog, My cat, My rat, blah blah blah.

Apologies are the cheapest things in the world; you can pick one up anytime, anywhere, anyway, any way, and any day

Learning to accept your mistakes is a great gain and ensures learning from them so you don’t it happened again. From then on, you will be a better person and you will continue the journey towards your land of fulfillment. children fall many times by learning to walk, any child who is afraid of failing will never walk. Likewise, you have to know that nobody is perfect; striving for perfection is an ongoing and lifelong lesson. We should all wear the “under construction” sign around our necks.

Many people, out of ignorance, get into avoidable problems. For example, a courier residing in a three-bedroom apartment in an expensive location had already created himself a financial problem. That resident is simply beyond his income capacity. There are food, shoes, bags, cloth, residents, cars, bikes and other things that match every pocket – Cut your cloth according to your material – Not to size!

There are many people who go out of their way to buy everything their friends buy, that friend could be earning or saving more than them, that person also might have fewer responsibilities or with additional income streams. Be real, be yourself, know your ability, and don’t exceed it in pleasurable things.

Take paper and pen, write down how much you earn, think about how to increase it, calculate how much you spend, discard some and postpone others – According to creditors, have a labor payment plan and stick to it. Have full control of your expenses; budget, don’t buy on impulse, conquer the “buy buy” spirit that grew with everyone. What is the essence of drinking drink after every meal, drink water from time to time, skip the taxi for five to 10 minutes on foot and stop punishing yourself by wasting your own “hard-earned” money.

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