Corporations seek to make and keep a profit. Should your employees expect consistent work schedules?

***The new job market offers less and less stability and more and more part-time jobs ONLY- JOBS- Jobs WITHOUT BENEFITS, NO SET WORK DATES OR REGULARLY SCHEDULED HOURS- Playback reads something like this: “We” I’ll call you when we need you.” “We hope that you will jump hoops for us by checking your electronic schedule several times a day and we hope that your schedule will change as we accommodate to our whim.”

“We ask you to be understanding when we cut your days down to 11 hours a week, or two days a week, hired you and made you work for us by saying you would work 20-25 hours a week.”

Part-time jobs should not be just any-hours jobs so that companies continue to exploit part-time workers. First, there is the false information provided to get him to take a job that is mostly something for a person fresh out of rehab. A person who is only grateful for a few hours and wishes to resurface in society after illness or corrective time away.

As part-time employees, it’s important to set boundaries that respect your time and value you as a person, before agreeing to your plan (corporate exploitation in the United States, of fellow American part-timers) for your work life.

Increasingly these days, corporate greed is the seed planted in today’s job market/job offer that is NOT overtly clarified or defined when addressed during the interview process.

It is up to the job applicant to analyze the motives of the prospective employer.

In the interview, the job applicant should ask and expect direct and honest answers to direct questions about days, hours, shifts, and expectations so that both parties work in harmony.

Many corporations have an underlying agenda; Pay part-time or any-time employees as little as possible, and use bodies to perform jobs or tasks that should be done by a human, with little room for compromise or negotiation. *** It’s time to nip that expectation in the bud!

Corporate America is getting more and more greedy and the focus is more on the bottom line than offering a real part-time job to a real person.

The time has come for Americans to be passionate about their skills and talents and become small business owners and entrepreneurs who work as hard as corporations, even if they work harder for themselves!

It is up to the part-time employee to show himself the value that employers/companies do not show.

Showing yourself worth is more than asserting your right to be respected and treated fairly. It is also a time to be very succinct and direct about the extravagant and ridiculous expectations that large corporations place on part-time employees.

Corporations want employees to work only when it is strictly for the financial benefit of the corporation’s bottom line. This is a classic example of the unfair working conditions being imposed on modern employees at any given time (excuse me, part-time) in corporate America.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident and is occurring throughout much of the United States and is a growing trend for corporations doing business in the United States.

Speaking from first hand knowledge and experience, it is a very despicable and abhorrent condition that would normally be expected in third world countries. Unfortunately, though, it’s the new normal part-time job in America’s anytime/part-time job description.

It’s getting harder and harder to work for corporations that care little about the health, consistency, and regular hours and general well-being of their employees.

The need for review and evaluation of part-time work, in corporate America, has been established by unfair, obnoxious, and extravagantly brazen corporate greed.

Corporations work hard to maintain and make a profit without regard to treating employees fairly, as valuable people, and not just bodies that complete a task or satisfy a need to complete a job.

Consistency and predictability is what it takes to get corporations and employees on the same page.

Getting on the same page of respect for mutual benefit between both parties with consideration for each other and the missing respect that is needed to have a cohesive work environment for all parties involved.

Working this way will generally bring corporations a fair profit once they treat their part-time employees with fairness and mutual kindness too!

As much as Americans need jobs, corporations need a good, skilled, and reliable workforce to help them generate consistent, more stable, and ongoing profits.

The time has truly come for people to build and become small entrepreneurs. As a small business owner, you will work hard to retain and maintain your profits, retain and respect your employees, and profit from their hard work and great strength of character.

**America will get better and better once small business owners and their operations merge into unions of ordinary people that facilitate fair, harmonious working conditions that do not require the consent or permission of corporations. Corporate greed, now more than ever before, is not going unnoticed and let’s face facts, corporate greed has a domino effect on corporate bottom lines too! staff fall into better jobs that respect their input and effort.

It is not up to the employees to adjust their life and availability for a company/corporation that offers nothing in return.

When considering part-time employment, write down the days and times you are available.

Be completely transparent about your hours and dates of availability, you can clearly negotiate the best working days to suit your needs, your pay rate and your expected start date, at the start of the part-time job market and not just any job. moment.

*** I enjoy learning from you and others offering me knowledge continuously!

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