Daily Clean Energy Solutions Revealed

There is a lot of “green” money being wasted from President Obama’s economic stimulus package (ARRA) and other sources that have everyone talking about alternative fuels and renewable energy eg electric cars, plug-in hybrids (PHEVs), wind power, power solar, hydroelectric power. It seems there are a lot of carrots dangling in front of us, solutions that are coming, but not quite yet. So what can we do about it? What solutions are available today? (OK, besides the Prius.)

Renewable energy is not just a topic for politicians, government programs and charities. Did you know there are things YOU can do to help preserve the environment today? And they are cheaper than you think! As you do so, you’ll be helping our nation become more self-sufficient, thus promoting our national security. Here are some things you can do right now:

1. Turn your car into an Electric Vehicle (EV).

Here are a few options: (1) you can take your car to a shop that does this and have it done professionally for $15,000-$25,000; (2) you can buy a kit and do it yourself for $5000-$15,000; or (3) you can do it yourself from scratch for $500-$5000. This is not as far out of reach as you might think. Even if you’re not mechanically inclined, you probably know someone who is and would be happy to help (just trade for piano lessons or something). All you need is a good how-to guide, some basic shop equipment, and a little help from time to time. Chances are, there are people in your neighborhood who have already done this or are in the process of doing this. Look around. A good source of information is your local chapter of the Electric Auto Association. Keep in mind that the autonomy of your electric vehicle will be much less than before. You can go up to 100 miles before you need to recharge the batteries. For most of us, that covers 90% of our driving on any given day, but there are times when we want to go further. My advice is to keep your current car for long trips and find a vehicle with a blown engine but in good condition that the seller is willing to sell for a few hundred dollars. Convert that and now you have something better than a hybrid!

2. Build your own solar (photovoltaic) panels.

Most people would love to see their electricity bill lowered. Don’t count on the power company to lower your rates. Instead, do something to capture an inexhaustible source of energy… the Sun. Most people are baffled by the high price of state-of-the-art photovoltaic panels. Let’s face it, most of us don’t have $70,000 or more sitting around with nothing better to do. But did you know that you can make your own panels for just a couple hundred each? Okay, so they’re not going to be the super-efficient, high-tech devices you pay thousands for, but hey! You are not paying thousands. Best of all, you can start with one at a time and improve as you go. Before you know it, you’ll have a complete system that will generate enough power during the day to run your lights at night. You might even have enough extra money to sell to the power company. Think about it!

3. Capture the power of the Wind.

Do you live where it is constantly windy? Well, even if you don’t, you might still benefit from building your own wind generator. Okay, if there is always absolute calm in your house, this may not work for you. But in most places, even if it’s calm during the day, the wind usually picks up at night, enough to generate a reasonable amount of electricity, a perfect complement to solar panels that can only work during the day. . Best of all, you can build a wind generator yourself and avoid the large upfront costs of a new one. Get some plans, buy the materials and get to work!

4. Make your own Biodiesel.

People have been doing this for years. It can power your truck, car, generator, fuel-oil furnace; Basically anything that uses standard diesel can use biodiesel. Right now, you can buy biodiesel at some gas stations for about the same cost as regular fuel. All you get is the satisfaction of being able to sit back and breathe the emissions without worrying about health problems. So what if you want a cheaper alternative? Get a supply of grease from your local restaurant and use it well. This isn’t a piece of cake, remember you’re dealing with fuel here, but it’s pretty simple. As long as you carefully strain, mix, and heat according to detailed and reliable instructions, you’ll end up with a clean, multi-use recycled fuel source. Don’t be scared off by people who say that biodiesel is bad for your engine. As long as you take precautions and follow a few simple maintenance procedures, your engine will run just fine. If you live in a colder climate, during the winter you may need to mix standard diesel with biodiesel to help prevent it from gelling. Even with a 50% mix, you’re still using cheaper, cleaner equipment.

So what does renewable and alternative energy have to do with you? All! If we all did just one thing for our environment, we would find ourselves living in a cleaner world, breathing cleaner air, and living better lives. I’ve shared just a few examples, but as you can see, there are things you can do to improve and preserve your living environment today. You may not be able to do all these things, but all you have to do is start somewhere. If you need help finding a good how-to, visit my website. I think you’ll find that as you start to take the lead in some of these things and build them with your own hands, you’ll gain confidence, security, and self-esteem. Perhaps best of all, you’ll put money back in your own pocket.

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