Frustrated with your Pug?

Did you know that if you train your pug incorrectly, your healthy and obedient pug could become a disaster for you and your family? It doesn’t take months for a pug puppy to acquire bad, stinky clothes that will haunt him for years.

Every dog ​​needs training. The same goes for a pug dog. The best time to train your pug is the first day you own him. Pugs are usually brought into homes when they are 8 weeks or older. Wouldn’t you like your pug to follow your every command from day one?

So establishing your authority and getting noticed are essential. These two rules are the fundamental basis of taming your pug. For some of you, success comes easy, but for others, even if you’ve laid a solid foundation, you may not be guaranteed an obedient pug. If you’re frustrated by your pug’s bad stink habits, these 7 surefire tips will help you transform your pug’s behaviors in less than 30 days, if you apply them consistently throughout your pug’s training program:

1) Start training your pug puppy at an early stage. Old dogs can learn new tricks, however, the sooner your pug is introduced to proper house training, the faster your pug will learn.

2) Communicate with your pug puppy. Talk to pug like you would talk to your kids, when they were little kids. Pugs can sense and receive both your verbal and non-verbal communication. Does it sound weird? Well, not really, it’s quite simple. For example, just say that your pug is acting up. You could just say “no” in a deep, angry voice. As uncomfortable as it may seem, your pug will feel it. So, you have to show him what the right actions are. This will help her distinguish between right and wrong actions.

3) Reward your pug for listening to your commands. Give them credit by padding the forehead or around the neck. Give your pug a variety of rewards. It could be his favorite food, toy, or treat.

4) Increase the frequency of rewards for your pug. Research has shown that the more often a puppy is rewarded, the faster and more efficient the learning process becomes. Look for instances to reward your pug with praise or treats. For example, if your pug is lying down calmly and minding his own business, praise him. Look for opportunities to praise, not punish.

5) Feed your pug regularly, especially when he is in the puppy stage. Keep your pug puppy hydrated throughout the day. When the weather permits, take your pug for a walk and tell him to “go potty” just before he relieves himself. Pat him for encouragement.

6) Never punish your pug! Teach your pug using positive and motivating methods. Proactively training your pug will produce better results than reactive training. This means that when your pug does well and behaves correctly, you proactively reward him. On the other hand, don’t sympathize with your pug’s bad behavior.

7) Play with the pug! Pug loves to play. It is vital that whenever any obedience training is done and at the end, the owner enjoys some play time with his pug. You can run around or play tug of war with your pug during playtime.

These 7 amazing secrets will put you on the right path to obedient training. Don’t waste any more money to enroll your pug in an obedient training lesson when you can easily save him. It will also give you the opportunity to create a lasting and loving bond with your pug. Therefore, it pays to train your pug at home.

Good luck!

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