How to have a baby boy – Effective tips to make a son

By working together, couples can choose the gender of their future baby and increase the chances of having a boy. Remember that half of a baby’s genetic makeup is created by the male XY chromosome and the other half by the female who is XX, she will contribute an X chromosome and the father will contribute either an X or a Y. Learning about this will bring you closer of her dream of having a child.

We know that daddy supplies the sperm that is the deciding factor in creating a baby boy, but there are more than 200 million sperm ejaculated into the vagina during intercourse, a mix of X and Y. It’s a race to the finish for See which sperm reaches the egg first! It is up to you to control which sperm decides if you have a baby boy.

Low-tech ways to make sure you have a baby don’t need to use intrusive medical means to help the XY chromosome get to the egg first. Rather, the couple set out to arrange things in such a way that the boy’s sperm would have a much better chance of reaching the egg by natural methods. The most popular and well-known author on the race that ensures you’ll have a baby boy is Dr. Landrum Shettles, who teaches couples about timing.

Boy Y’s sperm swim faster than the X chromosomes of potential girls who live longer. The goal is to make sure that the male sperm is close to the fertile egg and can swim there quickly at the right time. Refrain from intercourse before the egg is released because you need to avoid having the longer-lived female sperm near the egg. Make sure you have had fasting sex or used a condom.

Once you know the sperm has been released, it’s time to have sex. This is so that as many Y-carrying sperm get to the egg, and viola! it will be a boy For this method, the woman must know her menstrual cycle and plot it using her basal body temperature and a graph which is quite easy to do.

Just grab a piece of graph paper and get ready to plot a graph, while taking the woman’s temperature and you can see when the egg has been fertilized. As you understand the cycle, it’s important to cooperate to make sure you’re having sex at the right time and to abstain when you’re at the wrong stage of the cycle. You are trying to time intercourse to be 12 hours before ovulation, based on your basal body temperature as graphed.

The male must use a dominant position to give the sperm an advantage by depositing them near the cervix. Females should orgasm, as this burst of energy will help move the sperm toward the egg. If you make this a very loving occasion, you will soon be rewarded with a healthy and happy child.

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