Importance of Strategic Prayer

Answered prayer is one of the greatest joys of any believer in Jesus Christ. He can lift us up and make us fly like nothing else can. When we receive an answer to prayer, all doubt and unbelief flees from our hearts and we know that we know, that we know that there is a living God who loves us and cares about us. For the new believer, prayer can be a very intimidating experience, often planted in our minds by all the boring and loud ‘religious’ clergymen we have seen praying on television who have made God seem so untouchable and have turned prayer in a ritual instead of a result of a vibrant and intense relationship of heart with our Creator.

There are no big keys to praying: it is simply talking to God as you would to your closest and dearest friend and a few others. There is nothing that can separate us from his love, and there is nothing that we can share with him that makes him meaningless; after all, He created us and knows exactly what is already in our hearts and minds. While prayer is that simple, that doesn’t mean it can’t be enhanced and made more vibrant and powerful as we get to know God more intimately and grow in our understanding of all that He has put into His Word.

One of the most powerful things I learned about prayer was to pray strategically with scripture, to be very specific and specific in praying specially chosen scriptures in specific circumstances. The Bible says that the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword, that it is like a hammer that breaks rocks, that it is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, and a source of wisdom. , between many other things. When we speak the Word of God about a situation, it contains the same power as if God Himself had spoken it, and because we are now His children, we carry His DNA and His authority to speak His Word and we expect to see that situations and circumstances change.

Recently, when I was going through a tough time with our business and wondering if I was going to survive in the natural, but knowing in my spirit that God has called us into that arena to make a difference, I asked for specific scriptures that I could state about our business that would get us ahead and keep us in His will. When we speak his Word, it changes the atmosphere around us and aligns our circumstances and lives with God’s will. We begin to resonate with the sound of heaven and divine order begins to come into our lives. God very kindly led me to Deuteronomy 33:11-16, where Moses prays a blessing over the Israelites just before they cross into the Promised Land. In that blessing, God promises them great fertility and prosperity in the work of their hands and the fruit of their land. Praying those scriptures has strengthened our faith, changed the atmosphere in our office, and opened up new business opportunities for us. No matter what you see in the natural, or what the enemy tries to bring against you, when you are praying God’s will and His Word over your life, change will happen. We did the same thing when one of our teenagers was going through a tough time. God gave us a specific scripture to declare on his life and we saw the enemy lose his foothold.

Psalm 91:1 says that “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty” (Amplified). There is a condition to this Psalm; to remain protected under the shadow of the Almighty we must dwell in his secret place. What is that secret place?; it is a constant, intimate, honest and obedient relationship with God, and effectively answered prayer has some conditions attached to it, as does protection from him. If we are a new believer, then the grace of God is there for us at the level of knowledge and understanding that we have.

For the mature believer, we know that our lives must be aligned with God’s Word if we want to hear His voice and receive His blessings, and in some cases, if He wants to hear us. There is no key or absolute condition that must be met for effective strategic prayer to be answered; God’s Word is alive and active and he will always accomplish what he was sent to do and God looks first at our hearts and our motivation when we pray.

“So how do I get the correct scripture to pray”? you might ask Let’s list some points below:

1. We have the Word of God known, that is, the Bible is very open and clear about God’s point of view on specific situations, for example, on healing. Isaiah 53:5 says “…and with his stripes we are healed.”

2. There are scriptures that can be applied in general to a situation, for example, when we are going through a difficult situation or one that we feel we cannot face, then we can pray 2 Corinthians 12:9 “… My grace ( My favor and mercy and mercy) is enough for you (sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear manly sorrow); for My strength and power are perfected…in your weakness.” They are scriptures that encourage us in the Lord and in our faith. One helpful thing you can do is begin journaling scriptures that address a topic, such as money or forgiveness, and then write them down as a personalized prayer for your situation. This is an excellent way to implant the Word of God in his mind and spirit, and also to achieve the renewal of the mind (or change in his belief systems) that Romans 12 speaks of.

3. There are times when the Holy Ghost brings a scripture to our remembrance, we search for it, and find that it relates specifically to our situation. He seems to touch our spirit and ‘speak’ to us or our situation. That is called a rhema word, or the ‘spoken’ Word of God, and it carries with it a specific anointing to change a situation or circumstance when it is spoken. This is the kind of word we get for our business from Deuteronomy 33.

Any prayer is about relationship with God. Spending time with his Word and talking with him will increase your intimacy and his ability to hear his voice. Learn to go to Him first to hear what He has to say about his circumstances, and begin praying and declaring that Word daily, over and over again until you begin to see the fruit of his power changing those circumstances. for the better

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