Modjadji Princess – The True Tigers of Karma

This story takes ideas that would normally seem impossible and outstanding and brings them into the realm of the possible.

A federal republic in South Asia, forming a subcontinent in the southern Himalayan mountains, with the Arabian Sea to the west and the Bay of Bengal. To the west is India Madaya Pradesh. An area of ​​prime territory where the meadow has a constant supply of cool, fresh clear water.

Over the years, it became known that it was the habitat in the territories of the Tigers. The tribe called Mohawks lived in the center of the park known as Karma which means luck and destiny. His village was in the heart of the habitat of top predators.

They keep a close account of the tigers. They respected and honored this beautiful wild animal. The Mohawks had great beliefs in the modjadji queen who ruled in the 1930s The queen was said to be immortal and possessed great powers.

One afternoon, the tribe left the village to hunt. They roam throughout and deep in the forest and will not return to the village until each one operates on the hunt and catches their prey.

They heard the alarm of the monkeys, which gave the warning that a predator was lurking. When wild monkeys scream like that, the reason is that a prowler is nearby and it is everyone’s dangerous predator.

Predators capture the moment when life is uncertain, the fraction of a second that the human eye would normally never see. The drama of a gripping battle of wits that decides which animal gets a meal or which escapes by becoming one.

The tribe was close and followed the trail of the roaring sound.

The sound brought the tribe to the entrance of Karma Park. There under an old oak tree and in the space covered with old roots lay a newborn babe, a girl whose skin was as white as snow and as smooth as silk.

Her brown eyes wild and wide with a head of golden curls and beside her lay fight me The female tiger she kept on board and bred Bearskin found her as a young cub, and despite her delusional nature, was always aware of her secret hiding places. She had a gifted touch with tigers. The white spots behind the ears of tigers help to identify them in the twilight of the jungle. Over the years, the tribe has hunted everywhere and knows the land well.

A brilliant light surrounded the girl like the bright moon when it is full and the stars shine in the sky. A glowing flash surrounded this girl. She was a shining image of the incredible Queen of great powers. Almost instantly, the tribe fell to their knees and bowed at the sight. Tea QUEEN MODJADJI of great powers he sent this boy to protect the tribe from the evil spirit.

Bearskin, the chief of the Mohawks, came forward to retrieve the girl and wrapped her in the fur coat. He named the boy Sundilli which means beautiful girl.

The summer rain came late that year. The water in the dam was low and predators were coming down to drink. The exhausted wind and predators lurk.

The hills on either side roared with the calls of predators. The river continued for miles; pine trees grew through the smooth glacier floor.

Years passed and Sundilli became the beauty of the perfect image of the goddess. She learned to hunt and throw prey. She ventured out alone many times, especially at night. She climbs trees like a monkey and sits there on the slightly curved trunk looking at the moon and in the distance at the beautiful mountains and forest. Sundilli was as wild as a tiger and she led the tribe like a true ruler.

He lived the life of the tiger, which is the largest and heaviest of the cat family, and greatly feared by both animals and humans.

She has a classic orange and white striped coat. She patrols her own territory and often hunts alone, stalking her prey and killing them in ambushes. She is immensely strong and can take down animals much larger than herself.

The tiger relies on stealth to catch its prey. It has excellent eyesight and hearing, which helps it track animals such as deer, wild boar, buffalo, and other jungle animals, which provides it with food for days.

Tigers glide slowly, steadily, and gently over their prey. Without being seen, it charges only when it is twenty meters from the prey. It kills its prey by biting it on the neck or throat. He drags the corpse and hides it with leaves so they can get back to it. Male tigers can eat up to 40 kh of meat in a day, they can find their females by their roars and scent markings.

A pair of tigers can mate a hundred times in two days.

It covers a territory of up to one hundred square meters depending on its limits with meters with scent marks, droppings and scratch marks on rocks or trees. These signals inform other tigers about its sex and the size of its territory.

They are endangered species with a maximum length of about 2.8 meters. The tail alone is about a meter long and weighs up to 220 kilograms.

Sundilli and Lucchme grew close to each other and often roamed together while Lucchme fiercely defended his territory against other rivals, especially the male tiger who tends to attack young tigers for prey.

Sundilli had the body of a champagne flute and is a picture of indescribable beauty and was just as wild.

Princess Modjadji is a true leader, immortal and possesses as much power as Queen Modjadji.

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