Mountain Lion Safety: How To Survive If You Come Face To Face With A Mountain Lion

The ability to see wildlife in its natural habitat is a true gift that the local zoo cannot give. While mountain towns like Breckenridge appeal to outdoor adventure seekers and nature lovers, they’re also fortunate to be home to many animals, including cougars. While it is very unlikely that visitors to the mountain will encounter a mountain lion, precautions should still be understood in the rare event that a sighting does occur.

  • Make safe decisions early: Whenever you’re heading out for an active day on the mountain in Breckenridge, take a few precautions that will help reduce the risk of wildlife attack. Never walk alone. While cougars are not likely to approach humans, they are even less likely to approach a larger, more threatening group. Children should always stay close to adults and never let them out of their sight.

  • Spot a mountain lion: Although they may appear menacing, cougars are beautiful and magnificent creatures. Fawn in color with black tips to their ears and tail, cougars are one of the largest cats in North America. While males can grow up to eight feet and weigh up to 150 pounds, females are slightly shorter and lighter, measuring seven feet long and weighing up to 90 pounds.

  • Mountain Lion Activity: As their name implies, cougars obviously make the mountains their home. While the danger from cougars is low in Breckenridge (the chance of being attacked by a cougar is less than that of being struck by lightning), sharing your home still means you should be prepared for a sighting. As with all wildlife, do not approach a mountain lion. Stay away and give the animal an easy way to escape.

  • Taking extreme measures: In most cases, their very presence will scare away a nearby mountain lion. In the event that the lion does not escape, avoid your instinct to run. Running will increase the animal’s instinct to chase you. Stay calm and make eye contact with the lion. Avoid squatting or crouching, as cougars are more likely to chase smaller prey. In fact, do what you can to make yourself look big by raising and waving your arms or opening your jacket. Throw stones, branches and yell at the cougar in a strong and firm voice so that it begins to understand that you are not prey, but that you actually represent a danger. In the extreme case of a mountain lion attacking, do your best to defend yourself with a rock, stick, jacket, or whatever else you can get your hands on.

  • Protection of children: It may not be so easy for a child to control the urge to run when faced with a mountain lion. Similarly, since children are shorter, a mountain lion is more likely to mistake them for prey. If you are exploring the mountains with children and come across a mountain lion, pick up the child. However, try to avoid crouching down or turning your back on the cougar when you do this.

  • Contact a park ranger immediately: If you come into contact with a mountain lion, notify a park ranger immediately to prevent further threat to others.

Remember, mountain lion sightings are extremely rare. Attacks are even rarer. Still, staying informed and prepared is the best way to travel the Breckenridge Mountains.

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