Never work a day in your life!

“Find a job that you like and you will never have to work a day of your life”

Confucius – 551 to 479 BC C.

Confucius, the famous Chinese philosopher, wrote those words more than 2000 years ago, but they have never been more significant than they are today. The world has changed dramatically since the days of Confucius, to the point that no one should take a job they don’t enjoy.

If we simply review the events of the 20th century, it is easy to see that humanity has grown and evolved to allow human beings to enjoy the best of everything. The 20th century saw World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. The atomic bomb, ICBMs, machine guns, and plastic explosives were created by inventors in the 20th century. War on a world scale became the norm and during the Cold War of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, the world feared that an all-out atomic war could end civilization as we knew it. But all that has changed … for the better!

Now, in the 21st century, the cold war is over and, in addition to some protracted skirmishes in the Middle East and the constant threat of terrorism, world powers have abandoned their weapons of mass destruction and are working for a world in which the life is good for everyone. Across North America, races of all faiths and colors live and work together with less prejudice and greater tolerance than ever before. Education is available to virtually anyone who wants it, and public and private funding is available to ambitious and optimistic entrepreneurs who want the opportunity to turn their innovative ideas into viable business ventures. Bill Gates founded Microsoft Corporation in a garage with his partner Paul Allen, eventually making it one of the most successful companies in the world and making Gates and Allen two of the richest men in the world. True to Confucius, they found the work they loved and I suspect that in their minds, they never worked a day in their lives. Like the founders of Microsoft, your dreams are achievable! This is the best time in the history of the world for you to find the best job for yourself!

Entrepreneurship is not for everyone, but no matter what you do or who you work for, you have the right to be happy. Not all people have the inclination, skill, or drive to start and run their own business, but everyone has some kind of talent or skill driven by their own internal motivation. Those talents and skills will add value to the right employer if you choose your job wisely. The challenge many people face is that they are willing to settle for a job that in no way, shape, or form suits their natural talents, abilities, or motivations. When people settle for a job they don’t like, they feel uneasy internally. Many people feel unhappy, frustrated, bored, depressed, or even angry just having to go to work every morning. Many people exhibit bad behavior and negative attitudes at work, inflicting their lack of job satisfaction on others. The saddest part of this is that many of these people never really think about what makes them unhappy. They just accept the fact that their life is missing something and keep accommodating until they retire or die. Ultimately, your dissatisfaction will spread throughout all facets of your life and you will begin to find fault wherever you go. For such people, a miserable life becomes an ingrained lifestyle and some even accept their misery as a badge of honor. “Oh my!” You know the type!

For the madness! Rank what you like to do; What are you good at; What makes you happy; and then find a job that you like. The perfect job is there for you if you have the courage to go looking for it. If you don’t know where your strengths lie, take a skills and talents assessment survey to identify what motivates you. Stop blaming your employer for your lack of job satisfaction and work with him or her to change your job to suit you or quit and find something that suits you. You cannot blame anyone other than yourself if you are dissatisfied or unhappy at work. If you choose to stay in a job that you don’t like, you will have the hardest job in the world!

Remember Confucius: “Find a job that you like and you will never have to work a day of your life.” It’s up to you!

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