Osteoporosis Medications and Bone Density May Be a Problem

Women over the age of 50 should be aware that their bones are thinner and this starts in their 30s. Osteopenia is lower bone density due to age, and some doctors prescribe medications to strengthen the bones. It is not as serious as osteoporosis.

An American study showed some time ago that some women are taking too many drugs for osteoporosis. In short, they are being overtreated for bone loss and these drugs have serious side effects. The gist of this is that many menopausal women may be taking medication they don’t need.

The FDA in the United States has reported serious side effects of many bone-building drugs and that some women should not take them until they really need them. While it’s true that for women with osteoporosis, bone-strengthening drugs can reduce the chances of breaking a bone, experts argue that women with osteopenia don’t necessarily need the drugs. They are taken too young because women under 65 are encouraged to have bone density tests that show a low result, then start the drugs earlier than necessary.

Studies have shown that bone density tests are actually only effective for women over the age of 65, however it is recommended that women over the age of 50 get tested even though they only have a 3% chance of a hip fracture between the ages of 50 and 60 and only a 20% chance of fractures elsewhere.

An x-ray technique called DXA or DEXA shows how below the norm you are with bone density and the norm is a healthy woman in her 30s. The closer to zero, the better the bone density. -1 or more is normal and -2.5 or less means Osteoporosis. Between -1 and -2.5 is Osteopenia or low bone mass.

Most women in their 50s have some form of osteopenia. It is not a disease. It is a marker of fracture risk and does not need to be treated with medication. The reality is that people get tested and then spend more time worrying about their health than not being really healthy. Studies show there is no evidence that long-term use of preventative medications in women with osteopenia prevents fractures, however pharmaceutical companies disagree. Since bone loss is a serious problem, they argue that the drugs reduce fracture risk and provide real benefits. The debate is whether it is better to wait for significant bone loss before starting treatment or to start treatment to maintain current bone quality. Others argue that women should wait until osteopenia turns into osteoporosis.

Possible side effects of bone loss medications such as bisphosphonates used in the United States, including alendronate (Fosamax), etidronate (Didronel), ibandronate (Boniva), risedronate (Actonel), and zoledronic acid (Reclast) , They are many. They range from gastric problems such as acid reflux, heartburn, irritation of the esophagus, nausea, vomiting, ulcers or bleeding to muscle, joint or bone pain, esophageal cancer, crumbling jaw, atypical fractures, increased heart rate. Possible side effects of estrogen receptor modulators are hot flashes, cramps, and blood clots. Possible side effects of hormones like estrogen or progesterone (Premarin, for example) are stroke, blood clots, or breast cancer.

It must be remembered that there are many natural things that women can do to increase and maintain bone density. Exercise, healthy diet, no smoking, low alcohol consumption are indicators of the medical and complementary medical industries that both agree on. Jogging, tennis, dancing, lifting weights, and muscle-strengthening exercises build better bones and prevent fractures, as well as develop better balance. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, which increases bone strength, so if you don’t get enough sunlight or vitamin D in your diet, you MUST take the supplement. The amounts of calcium and vitamin D needed are quite high, so it is very important. If you have a vitamin D deficiency, you should take at least 2 to 4,1000 IUs a day until your tests register as normal.

Also get rid of alcohol and cigarettes. The bottom line is that neither is good for your health, and make sure you eat plenty of vegetables that contain carotenoids. Which one is worse? You weigh it. drugs? Or take your supplements? Those are your only options.

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