Practice food safety at home

Home security is a hot topic, with countless TV shows, books, and DVDs available to teach you how to keep yourself and your family safe from everything from burglars to house fires. However, one thing that gets overlooked is food safety in the home. Insufficient attention to and lack of knowledge about food safety contributes to foodborne illnesses, which cause more hospitalizations each year than other household hazards combined.

One simple thing you can do is check your refrigerator. Most kitchen stores and mega-stores sell refrigerator/freezer thermometers, which will allow you to check the actual temperature inside appliances, making sure they are working properly. Be sure to move the thermometer around, checking inside crisper drawers and door shelves. If the airflow is blocked, the drawers can get too hot, which means food can spoil.

Also, never put hot food in your refrigerator. It will cause the temperature inside the refrigerator to rise sharply, and other food in the refrigerator may spoil in the time it takes to restore balance. Use an ice bath to lower the temperature of hot foods before cold storage.

In the freezer, be sure not to let ice build up on the racks, walls, and vents. Most modern freezers are frost free, but in times of heavy use they may need some help.

Throughout the kitchen, let sterilization be your watchword. A simple solution of a tablespoon of bleach in a gallon of water is all you need to kill bad bugs on kitchen surfaces, and you can even make such a mixture in your sink and submerge your small kitchen items to keep them spotless and germ-free. -free.

Practicing food safety at home is not hard to do, but it does require constant attention. Every time you cook, take a few extra minutes to make sure your workspace is clean before and after cooking. You will not regret!

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