The invention of the modern mattress

The modern mattress was gradually invented over time, with the need for better quality and the advancement of technology. The more technological invention pushed humanity forward, the more sophisticated and intricate the mattress would become.

The English word mat-tress has been used in writing since 1290 AD.

The invention of the modern mattress, as it is known today, began at the end of the Renaissance, in the 18th century, with the birth of the Industrial Revolution. Competition between scientists seems to have loomed with the start of NASA’s space program, which saw the invention of memory foam so important that mattress design and production has now become more competitively innovative than ever.

In Old French “materas”, from Italian “materasso”, from modern Latin “materacium”, the word was borrowed in Sicily from the Arabic word al-matrah “the cushion” could have had the meaning of “the thing thrown”. from taraha “he threw”. The mattress was so important to people that one culture borrowed words and ideas from another. In the constant struggle to improve the quality of life, through invention, humanity has progressed. Progress in the design and quality of mattresses was only creeping up when the word mattress was invented. In the 18th century, civilization was ripe for the first innovative thoughts in mattress design.

Mattresses in the modern era can be said to have been a revolutionary invention, due to the use of cotton and wool, instead of substances such as horse hair, straw, pea shells and other organic materials that certain types of materials had to deal with. sanitation problems. with with It can be said that the modern mattress was invented when the sanitation of mattresses became a problem. In the mid 1800s, box springs were invented and innovation led to the rise of mixing technology and quality of life in such a way that it was not until the 20th century, with the cold war fueling competition, that mattresses once again saw a revolution. . as strong as the inventions of the first industrial entrepreneurs.

Escaping from gravity was a problem with NASA scientists that needed to be addressed. The United States wanted to be the leader in the aerospace industry, being number one in invention. Governing the root meant having to develop products never before touched by human hands, but theoretically seen in the human mind. Memory foam was invented to help cushion seats on space shuttles as they escaped G-forces. Along with the invention of vinyl, the modern mattress finally caught up with its place in evolution.

Today, innovation, good practicality and modern science keep in touch with the original human need for a proper night’s rest.

Regardless of how sophisticated and technologically advanced mattresses have become today, the slow advance of innovative and inventive designs has finally resulted in the modern mattresses we use today.

The invention of the modern mattress began in the Middle Ages and patiently grew during the Renaissance. At the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, the first hygienic mattresses appeared, and with the race to the stars in the 20th century, modern technology propelled the world with innovative designs that have become a science in their own right… a science that progresses. constantly. in the direction of an ever-increasing better night’s sleep.

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