The unlimited possibilities of man: how true is it?

Man is a creation created with unlimited opportunities. The size of his possibilities is infinite. The above claims certainly require further analysis for or against. After extensive research, the findings below contain everything you need to know about the man and his limits.

Taking it from the beginning, the creation of man is an obligation in itself. Stunned? I hope, not yet. The creation of man has placed man between two extremes (or limits) that seem limitless. These ends are related and are best explained in mathematical terms. This would be illustrated at a zero level for everyone’s understanding.

Placing the horse before the cart, let us examine the contracted limitations of man’s creation. Constraints are divided into two classes, viz. natural restrictions and artificial restrictions.

Artificial constraints are simply synthetic constraints. They are constraints caused to man by man. They simply retard man’s progress or achievement, either for himself or for the group. It exists in various forms, including jealousy, hate, meanness, and much more. In fact, the artificial limitations do not clarify the reason or reasons why the first two statements in the first paragraph are not entirely true. The other constraint would be examined for proper clarification.

Natural limitations are simply God’s limitations to man. These restrictions are basically two, easy to set aside but impossible to remove or conquer. They include the creation of man as a mortar, not as a spirit, and the creation of man as God, not to be God.

Taking them sequentially, the creation of man as a mortar and not as a spirit is a constraint that makes the spiritual realm reign supreme over the physical realm. This indicates the reason why the spirit can possess the body and not the other way around. These illustrated limitations summarize the superiority of God over man, not fundamentally in the limits that enclose man, which seem unlimited.

The other constraints, the creation of man as God and not to be God, the explanation would do a better job of convincing everyone to agree with the spirit of this research paper.

Before the creation of man, God formulated and summarized the principle of emptiness. This principle states that the one who starts from the zero input level will be able to transcend the finite input levels and end up at the infinite input level. The mathematical statement is that the inverse of zero is infinity and vice versa. Therefore, the implication is obvious if God is going to create man from the zero input stage. As a result of this, he was urged to create man to be like himself and not to be him, making sure that man’s knowledge and other related characteristics did not start from input level zero (or input level empty). ) but rather float above the Vacuum Input Stage.

There is more to the vacuum principle. Another derivative of the principle is that the minimum input level is used to determine the maximum input level. When the minimum is zero, compulsively the maximum is infinite. This is verified through the use of a mathematical statement; one over zero is infinite. For man, the minimum is greater than zero. This means that the maximum input stage is less than infinity. This tells us authoritatively that man’s maximum input level is less than God’s maximum input stage.

Taking the analysis a bit further, the full input level range is from zero to infinity. This forms the zero-infinity scale (0-∞ scale). For simpler mathematical applications, the zero-infinity scale would be transformed into a new scale but with the same logical meaning. For this, it is assumed that the infinite input level is the reference frame. The ratio of infinity to infinity is one, while the ratio of zero to infinity is zero. With this, the zero-infinity scale has been transformed into a zero-one scale (0-1 scale).

From the scale, zero-one scale, God’s limits are zero and one inclusive. This may be called the exclusive limits of man. Still with respect to the zero-one scale, the minimum input level of man is the smallest input greater than the zero input level. The minimum entry level of this man is 0.000…1. For the man’s maximum input level, the input should be the maximum before the input level, one. No doubt it refers to 0.999…9. Therefore, 0.000…1 and 0.999…9 are the inclusive limits of man.

The principle of emptiness makes it possible for everything requested, sought and desired to be possible with results, so it leaves no room for impossibilities. Therefore, since man is exempt from the principle of emptiness, it can be said with confidence that man’s possibilities are limited.

To infer that the statement that man’s possibilities are unlimited or infinite is an absolute fallacy.

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