Things to know about a smartwatch

Smartwatches are the new thing these days. They do much more than just display the time. They can have different applications and can do various useful things, such as notify you when the phone rings. Despite having separate operating systems and processors, smartwatches are primarily an accessory for smartphones, such as the Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch. In fact, Samsung was one of the first companies to bring this portable electronic device into our lives and on our skin.

Do you know all the functions?

Some of these watches that have been released recently can do a whole host of cool things. They can take pictures, give you driving directions, and much more. Perhaps the most useful application of a smartwatch is reading emails and texts from your wrist. These devices connect to your tab or smartphone via bluetooth and access the apps on it. Furthermore, they are easy to use and have various applications as well. If you’re lucky, you might even get one of these wearables that actually has a cool camera on it. Some of these smart watches nowadays have a 5 MP camera that can help you take pictures in a much easier way.

Let’s face it, how useful are smartwatches?

You may wonder why you really need these watches. After all, you have your own smartphone. Also, your smartphone can do all the things that your smartwatch can, right? Well think of it this way. Your camera can take better pictures than your smartphone. However, you use your smartphone, right? It’s all about comfort and how easy it is to operate these smartwatches. Just put them on and forget about them. What’s more, with the good battery life they come with today, surely you can do a lot more with them than you can with your smartphone.

Keep track of your activities

Another application of these watches is to keep track of your activities. For example, after completing a workout, the data can be uploaded to a computer or sent online to create an exercise activity log for analysis.

Google has introduced its own Android operating system for smartwatches. The operating system is designed to deliver a smartphone-like experience directly on the handheld device. Thats not all. You can also run various Google-specific apps, including but not limited to Google Maps and Hangouts. Imagine chatting from your smartwatch or looking at the map. Sounds great, right?

If Google persists in its path, the wearable scenario will be very different after the launch of Google Glass. However, Google Glass is not a smartwatch and is a wearable device. Still, there’s no shortage of options with many companies racing to capture the hot market. Apple is said to be launching its own iWatch soon, which will be another milestone.

Be sure to choose wisely

However, not all wearables are amazing. These watches are unusually large in size to begin with. Second, the prices are too outlandish. The Samsung Galaxy Gear costs as much as the tablet itself. Third, insufficient battery life is an ongoing problem. The more apps, the shorter the battery life of the smartwatch.

That’s why you may think you don’t need them. They are a luxury, and an expensive one. However, they are definitely a prized possession for a tech-savvy person and a real novelty!

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