What do I need to establish a successful concrete mold business and make huge profits?

Therefore, you may have started looking for a way to generate additional income. You want to earn good money and be your own boss.

How about starting your own decorative concrete mold business?

What do I need to get started?

Well, you may already have most of these items in your home or store. So setting up and starting your own business can be inexpensive, and the payoffs are huge.

1. Molds

Probably one of the most important pieces needed. If you have poorly made and poor quality molds, your finished products will look good too. There are many varieties of molds on the market. Aluminum, single-use plastic, rubber, fiberglass, wood, and even nature itself.

But if you want the best and most reliable molds that give you the least amount of pain, a good latex rubber mold with a fiberglass shell to hold the rubber is your answer. Sure you can buy cheaper molds you need to sit on some sand and pack around, but you can’t always get it right. Those molds can be frustrating to use and reduce your profits due to all the manipulations you will have to do. How do you vibrate air bubbles if the item is buried in its litter box? With molds that have self-supporting housings, everything is self-contained and easy to use. You can pour directly into the mold, shake off the bubbles, and set the mold aside to dry.

Also, when you have a quality rubber mold, it allows you to get the detail of a professional sculptor.

So quality molds produce quality garden art, putting more money in your pocket for your effort.

2. Cement and sand and stone and water

Cement: Portland cement in bags from any hardware or building supply store. Yes, you can use the QuickCrete mix if you want, but then you are paying for sand and stone at retail prices. I recommend getting a white Portland cement. It may cost a bit more, but it does produce a pleasantly colored item.

Sand: dry, clean and washed river sand.

Stone: a pea gravel works well. It is not necessary for smaller molds but it gives strength to the cement. The stone will not show up on your finished item.

Water – cold, clean and fresh water

3. Mix

Your mixer can be a simple wheelbarrow or a small electric mixer. Most people have a wheelbarrow laying around, so using it doesn’t add to upfront costs. With the wheelbarrow, you must turn the cement / stone / sand / water mixture by hand to the proper consistency. With a mixer, simply add sand / stone / cement / water and let the mixer spin while you do other tasks. They can be purchased for around $ 500 and use a simple household electrical outlet.

4. Tools

Shovel: to collect sand and stone

Bucket: to move mixed cement and pour into your mold

Rasp / File – To clean any edge of finished cement garden art.

Screwdriver, hammer and pliers: always close at hand to have on hand

5. Release agent

Release agent is an oil- or wax-based product that is applied to your molds before concrete is poured. Creates a barrier between the mold and the cement so they don’t stick and come off easily when dry. Mold release agents also help extend the longevity of your molds by keeping them soft and not allowing the cement to dislodge from the mold. Different molds take different mold release agents, so it is best to consult the mold manufacturer. Some latex rubber molds require a non-petroleum based oil to avoid destroying the rubber and causing it to soften and melt. You can mix your own release agent with castor oil and mentholated liqueurs or buy a pre-made mix. Release agents are usually hand rubbed or lightly sprayed onto the molds.

6. Table

Just a simple place that allows you to work on finishing your dry artwork at eye level instead of working on the ground.

7. Brush and paint

How are you going to finish your dry concrete garden art? You can leave them plain white or gray concrete, but by adding color you can add more value and charge more for them. A good quality exterior paint works best. Remember to leave the bases unpainted to allow the cement to breathe.

8. Rags

OK pretty basic cleaning tool!

9. Vibrating table

This is an optional accessory. A vibrating table is a spring or rubber mounted metal platform with an attached vibrating motor. The vibration shakes off trapped air bubbles and sets the concrete for a nice clean finish. They cost from $ 500 and up. For smaller molds, a simple rubber hammer and a manual movement will work just as well.

Start making beautiful concrete garden ornaments and benefit from low cost and huge profit margins

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