Why do I keep getting job application rejections?

We’ve all been there, found the perfect job, applied, waited… then days, or in some cases weeks later, we received confirmation of the rejection.

But why?

This can be a difficult question to answer. There can be a wide range of reasons for a company not to proceed with your job application. Sometimes we can get frustrated with the process and quickly try to blame something or someone for our lack of progress in our job search.

So, take a deep breath and let’s focus on some of the issues that might be holding us back!

What are some of the reasons you keep getting rejected?

While this is not an extensive list, there are some basic things that we can and should consider. Take a considered approach while working with them…

Job announcement

An important part of the process is looking at the details contained in the job ad. Do you have a full understanding of the specific role and requirements the company is looking for?

For example: while a company may advertise for an administrative assistant, something you may have done in the past, there may be some specific skills, tasks, or experiences they are looking for that may not be obvious in the job title.

In my many years of recruiting, you’d be surprised how many applications you get from people who don’t quite meet the requirements of the position, or who come from completely different backgrounds and industries.

While there is nothing wrong with crossing industries or taking another career path, it can actually be a very positive move, you need to understand the skills you have to offer, what is cross-transferable, and what skills meet the requirements of the position. You should clearly highlight those transferable skills in your resume and cover letter, as they may not be immediately clear to the recruiter or hiring manager.

If you’re not sure if your skills meet the requirements of the position, why not call your HR team and ask? Tell them that you want to clarify your suitability for the position and have an open discussion about it. During such conversations, you can gain access to key information that will allow you to fine-tune your resume/cover letter to further improve your prospects of moving on to the next stage.

See Application Process/Requirements!

At the end of each advertisement there is often information on how to apply. This can be a simple submission of your resume and cover letter by clicking the Apply Now button.

However, be sure to follow any specific requests. If you’re applying for a position that specifies “send a cover letter outlining what specifically motivated you to apply for this position at company x along with your resume,” make sure you have proper content in your cover letter.

If the ad asks for a cover letter, send one.

You want to show that you can follow directions and have an eye for detail.

I remember a specific role I was recruiting for, I asked for a resume, cover letter, and a two-page statement asking the applicant to explain how their skills met the specific requirements of the role. The position was a very specific position and required exceptional attention to detailed skills. Of more than 70 applicants, only 5 followed the process and therefore demonstrated attention to detail.

Is your resume and cover letter fit for purpose?

It seems simple, right?

Well… only if they are. They should be easy to navigate, key information should be readable within 5-20 seconds of someone viewing the document.

If you’ve had several specific careers, you should have focused, stand-alone resumes that allow you to truly demonstrate your industry-specific skills and experiences in depth, rather than an overly general resume.

Are your contact details correct?

Basic, I know, but…

You will be surprised how many times I have tried to contact an applicant and they have had the wrong mobile phone number or email contacts on their documents. This simply gives the wrong impression and shows a lack of attention to detail.

Are you submitting the correct version of your resume/cover letter?

Before submitting your application, check your resume and cover letter. It may have made some updates and could ship an older version that was missing key information.

When recruiting, I was getting at least 10 resumes a day that had been reviewed by a friend adding logged changes. The applicant did not review or accept the changes and simply submitted the application with the resume with the changes, clearly highlighted… often showing grammatical and spelling errors. Therefore, always check before applying.

Have you addressed your cover letter to the right company and person? This is something that is often forgotten. People tailor their cover letter, forget about it, and a few weeks later, use that cover letter to apply for a new position; this mistake can ruin your chances of applying.

Any suggestions?

There can be a wide range of reasons why you may not be making progress in your job search. We recommend speaking with an expert and having them complete a resume review/health check.

A recruitment agency or resume service agency could help you with this, and the service can often be free.

If you’re constantly getting rejections, the best thing to do is step back and take some time to build and improve your resume and cover letter and seek expert advice.

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