Why Network Marketing Is Bad!

There are many reasons why people view network marketing as evil, the top of which are outrageous and unjustifiable income claims, annoying spam emails, being yelled at in the upline about talking to your friends, and familiar, and various other unpleasant reasons. So let’s investigate these evils and see if they hold up.

Chasing Friends and Family – I’ve researched several of the top network marketing companies and found that while some of them still employ the old methods of meeting friends and family at home, most have integrated the internet to reach more people.

Unrealistic Income Statements – While it’s true that you can technically make as much money as you want at most major network marketing companies, it’s also true that most people don’t – in fact, according to statistics, 97% of network marketers earn less. $ 10 a month. The fact is, most companies had an incredible hole where their high-tech training should have been, so for

Annoying Spam Emails – Out of the companies I tried, there were three that didn’t drown me in spam emails, the rest I had to unsubscribe in the first two hours because I got a lot of emails so it was a big detour. If a company thinks that someone can’t make a decision without ten thousand emails, then I can see why it would be unpleasant.

The cost of joining – I have to argue against this, it is the biggest complaint I hear and the most unfounded, I have never seen anyone willing to give away a mall for nothing, and if a network marketing company is a business then Why would anyone bother paying $ 100 for it? That seems like a good deal to me, now if you approach it from the point of view that the business might not work, that’s a completely different scenario. The bottom line on this topic is that YOU need to do your research before giving anyone ANY money.

In short, yes, most people are right, most network marketing companies are scams or they just don’t work very well. On the other hand, there are quite a few opportunities that make the cut. Out of the ten I tried, only 2 made it, so it should instruct you to be careful when looking at a company. The ironic part of this is that most of the ads I see, whether it’s via email or on the web, are aimed at really lazy people, people who aren’t willing to get off the couch to make money. To put it bluntly, if you are not willing to work for it, you will never be successful in anything let alone internet marketing. There is no such thing as a Google fairy that puts you on the first page and makes you money while you sleep, it just doesn’t exist. I promise this is the end of my spiel, but if you want to know which companies made the cut, visit our website.

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