Back laser hair removal is now kosher

Back laser hair removal is now completely kosher for a man. If you ask around, I’m sure you’ll find out that he’s even favored. Face it. It’s not attractive. Back hair can irritate the skin, be itchy, and even cause an infection. In several cases, it can even intensify body odor.

There are many alternatives to back waxing for men such as waxing, shaving, ‘creams’ and electrolysis. The first 3 need to be done over and over every few weeks and while electrolysis is long lasting, it would take forever to smooth out your entire back as it removes every single hair at a time. Not only may you notice being called a Chewie at the pool, back waxing has numerous benefits. Although it is not entirely infallible, laser hair removal is more durable than other techniques. Shaving is difficult and unsafe. Waxing is annoying for the skin and downright painful.

Laser hair removal is almost a must for the professional athlete, in addition to enhancing performance in their respective sport, they worked long and hard to build those muscles and they don’t want them to bury themselves. When you’re first looking to remove your back hair, you might be surprised at the price. Ranging from $200 to $2000 per session, you have to be pretty dedicated. The thing to remember is that it will take 5-6 treatments to see noticeable results. Then, with continued treatment, even men with the thickest hair will be able to enjoy the long-lasting effects. It’s as close to permanent as you’ll ever get.

Not too many years ago, only people with dark hair and fair skin would be good prospects for laser hair removal, since the laser focuses on the dark pigment. The only long-lasting (and non-permanent) option was electrolysis. It’s just not pragmatic for large areas. Now, with today’s advances, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light Devices) has opened the doors for fair-haired and dark-skinned clients. IPL is not even a laser, but a ‘laser equivalent’. It looks the same and works the same, except that it can be modified to target and eradicate specific colors. The technical term is photothermolysis and it is also used to remove tattoos. As you may have guessed, this method is more expensive and requires more training and skill level than the average laser used to remove hair.

Back laser hair removal treatment is performed on an outpatient basis. Each state has different regulations and laws regarding who can and cannot operate the laser. When you first begin your search to find a reputable clinic, make sure they are state licensed and certified to perform the procedure. And when you sit down at your office, asking your initial questions, make sure the Dr. is the one with the trigger finger. Regardless of how minor the side effects may be, it is still a medical process and should be handled as such.

When it comes to laser hair removal for men, back hair is shed more than any other part of the body. In general, total back laser hair removal can be done on average in one hour. When you think long term, there’s no better investment you can make in yourself (and your pride) because it lasts a lifetime. Do it for your wife. Do it for your girlfriend. Do it for you.

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