Become your own social media expert

To be competitive in today’s business environment, you need to be your own point of social media expert. That is unless you have a huge marketing budget and can afford to enlist the help of a specialist to run your social media marketing campaigns for you.

If you’re like 85% of the business population, you don’t, my suggestion is to find a good mentor, one with a proven track record and an easy-to-follow marketing strategy that you can use while you find your wings.

Beware of “gurus” who offer you a marketing plan that comes in installments. These never seem to end and you keep getting drip pieces for the puzzle so you can come back to buy more.

It took me 2 years of frustration, heartbreak and an empty pocket to find my own “social media expert” but now I can say it was worth the wait.

My criteria for finding a social media expert.

  • Do they have their own successful marketing business?
  • How much experience did they have on social media?
  • Be sure to see evidence of proven results

The Training System

  • Do they have easy-to-follow step-by-step videos to guide you through the various social media sites, as well as PDF summary notes just for quick reference?
  • Are they available to provide support should you need them, preferably Skype chat, it’s faster and you can get answers to your questions the same day instead of submitting an annoying support ticket and waiting 3 days for a response?
  • Is there any other form of support, for example a forum or networking group where you can share ideas and distribute each other’s content? A support network is crucial when you spend many hours marketing on your own, sharing ideas and staying motivated is key.
  • Are they constantly updating their training program so that you stay up-to-date with the ever-changing updates from social networking sites?

I believe that if you can answer yes to the criteria I have listed above, you may be well on your way to success.

There are self-made ones and I salute them, but honestly, who has the time and energy to spend precious hours in front of the computer trying to figure it out on their own when you can pick the brains of a seasoned expert and be part of a team? supportive and supportive.

There are reputable and affordable companies to be found online that have the social media systems, training, and support available that can help you as you learn the ropes.

About the author

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