Books as unique gifts

Every time we give a gift, it is obvious that we would like the recipient to remember us giving the gift. The recipient will only remind you if the gift is unique or something useful that the recipient can use for a period of time. Or is it something of interest to the recipient. Of course, it goes without saying that it must be reasonably priced.

Books with interesting and unique themes or books that can serve as a reference book for the gift recipient fit the bill. The books are not expensive. Also, people usually keep books and don’t throw them away after reading them. If the book has a unique message, the recipient will remember you for a lifetime.

I would like to take this opportunity to recommend one of my books entitled Customer Math as a corporate gift. Now this book is great for anyone who has a client. And who does not have a client in the business world? Virtually everyone has a customer.

This book is unique because its message is unique and is based on my own experience. A Rs 9,000 mistake in 1997 ended my development of the illuminating concept of

CustomerMath. Customer Math provides mathematical proof that customer satisfaction and retention not only pays for itself, but is also highly profitable.

Some of the Customer Math formulas discussed in the book include 1=5, 1=3, 1=12, 1=10000, 10%=47%, 1=23, 5%=50%, and 91%=18%. They show how customer defects can wreak havoc on a company’s bottom line. These formulas will also shed light on how one can acquire new customers even after eliminating their sales and marketing team and doing away with advertising.

Now, with an innovative and useful concept like CustomerMath, you can make unique and interesting gifts for the recipient. Believe me; he will never forget you or the valuable gift you gave him.

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