Enjoying the sun with your straw beach hat

Playing in the sun is great fun. A day at the beach is every beach lover’s dream, and wearing a sporty straw beach hat will protect your heads from excessive sun exposure that is sure to cause discomfort. These straw hats are everyone’s favourite, as they are light and stylish, inexpensive yet highly durable, and simply look good on anyone.

These days, toquilla straw hats appear in different sizes and shapes. There is a wide variety of straws that are very capable of mixing with even the brightest of dyes giving people a wide selection of colors. All are woven from vegetable fiber and softened with steam. If you like something organic, there are also straw hats that are not naturally treated and are usually offered for sale in their natural colors. The natural fragrance is always welcoming as it does not overwhelm your senses; it’s more like smelling freshly ironed fabrics.

If you’re craving a straw hat, take the time to familiarize yourself with the different types of straws that are used. The most resistant and economical forms are the Raffia and Double Wheat types. These are the materials that made up the majority of beach hats throughout the coastal states. Then there is the famous Panama straw with its smooth surface characteristic, where the composition of the materials used can initiate a good flow of air that provides comfort to the user. Most of the time, having fun outside on a hot summer day will just make you sweat and your head itches, and the Panama straw is perfect in this situation.

Buying a toquilla straw hat is not as easy as it seems. First you have to figure out what you’re looking for in a hat. If you want to wear one for shade on the beach, then you should go for the wide-brimmed hat. If you are looking to impress, then looking at different styles and fashions would be in your best interest. Check your budget first so you can determine your range. These hats are very affordable, and depending on the style, they can also be very expensive. Going to the chin laces is brilliant. It is very useful on windy days.

Taking care of your straw hat will go a long way, as it easily falls prey to aging and fading. You can enjoy it for many summers to come with consistent cleaning and careful storage. Only use a soft brush to remove dirt and debris from its surface. Dust and weather can ruin the hat. After brushing, clean your hat with a soft cloth dipped in warm water with a little detergent. Using a circular motion, rub off dirt; do it gently so that the integrity of the hat is maintained. In the wild, straw can be preserved by applying a coating of shellac resin with a brush. This is a good way to hide your age. During storage, you can avoid disfiguring your hat by stuffing the inside top with tissue paper and store it in a hat box between uses.

Whether you are enjoying the beach or strolling in the scorching heat of the sun, always protect your head and body with the straw beach hat. It is durable and at the same time fashionable. When cared for properly, it will do wonders for you.

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