Flavia Coffee Makers – Why you need to have a Flavia Coffee Maker in your home

Stop right there and put down that cup of warm water from the office. I mean coffee. Oh, what’s the difference, right? Admit it, when the morning passes, it’s also strangely a day when you had enough time to stop at your favorite coffee shop, isn’t it? Unfortunately for many of us, getting the kids out the door and fighting the morning rush doesn’t always allow for this, and instead we are subject to what Bill in accounting considers coffee. Fortunately, Flavia coffee makers come to the rescue for the rest of us.

Flavia coffee maker

A Flavia Fusion beverage station is all you need to perk up your mood at the office. Forget the old coffee machines, the Flavia coffee machines are a completely new generation of coffee machines that turn a pack of beverages into a hot and tasty drink instantly and with little maintenance. With no changing or washing filters between uses, it’s as simple as choosing your drink and loading it into the machine.

This machine can be used to make a variety of hot beverages, from leaf teas to freshly ground caffeinated and decaf coffee and even hot chocolate. Flavia’s official website has a full list of drink packages you can choose from, like Mars Swirl or Milky Way. However, if they sound a bit dramatic to a simple coffee drinker, more traditional beverages are also available.

homemade coffee maker

Flavia coffee makers aren’t just for the office, they’re affordable enough to buy a model for your own home and stock up on those beverage packs. However, if you decide to buy a machine for your office, make sure you have a supply of at least three different types of drinks on hand, as that way everyone can experience the benefit of these machines with a drink suitable to their liking.

When purchasing one of these machines, you have the option to choose between three different sizes. The smallest can accommodate one to five people, the medium can serve five to 30 people, and the largest machines have the capacity to serve 30 people or more. The bigger the machine’s water tank, the more drinks you can make without having to worry about the tank running out of water.

So now that you’ve got the coffee situation figured out, make sure Bill in accounting doesn’t catch you surfing the net on company time while choosing all the flavors of the Flavia coffee maker drink packages. In no time at all, he’ll be sitting at his desk with a perfectly brewed cup of coffee, never again subject to Bill’s finest brews.

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