Getting Your Ex Back: Take a Step Back and Put Yourself in Your Ex’s Shoes for a Minute

At one point in our lives, we all face the hardest part of dating. That part is the breakup, and no one wants to go through the pain that a breakup can cause. Unfortunately, we all face it at least once in our lives, and depending on the relationship itself, you may not even realize what you did to cause the breakup. Without being able to see the situation from another person’s point of view, we would never be able to move on with our lives because we would always be stuck trying to figure out what went wrong.

Whether or not you were the one to break up, it’s almost certain that both you and your partner are going through the same amount of pain. While it may not be the same pain, both of you will feel crushed by the end of your relationship.

If you can put yourself in the other person’s shoes, it will be easier to understand where their pain is coming from. You will be able to get on the other side of the breakup to know exactly what they are feeling.

After you understand why they are so hurt, you need to let them know. If you don’t tell them you understand they will continue to be angry or upset and wonder why you don’t understand. Letting him know that you understand will reassure him and may allow him to calm down a bit more. By doing this, you are making it possible for them to talk to each other without fighting or breaking down and begging them to take it back. Instead, you will be able to bring everything out into the open.

Once you get everything out in the open, you need to give them space. Telling them you know why it happened won’t make a difference if you don’t give them time to work through the problems they’ve been having. You are going to have to leave them alone and go on with your life as if everything is normal.

Spending time doing things you enjoy and getting out and having fun can make you feel better. However, there is a bigger advantage than you think. While you will feel better about yourself, your ex will want to know how good you feel about the breakup and may even want to try to get you back together.

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