How to apply eye makeup for amazing results

In this article, you will learn how to apply eye makeup and get amazing results. As you probably know, your overall appearance can be greatly affected by how you apply your eye makeup. Unfortunately, many women tend to overdo their makeup, especially when trying to create the smoky eye effect, and end up looking silly and even unattractive.

The key point to remember is that when you are learning eye makeup, you need to make sure that you draw attention to your eyes and not do something that will end up diverting the focus. The basic purpose of all makeup is to enhance your overall appearance and this is especially important when it comes to applying eye makeup. The eye makeup tips in the following article will help you achieve it quickly and easily.

Both your skin tone and your eye color will determine the eyeshadow colors that will work best for you. Knowing this makes it very important that you only select eyeshadow colors that draw attention to your eyes and complement your skin tone. If you have fair skin then the best looking eye makeup colors will often be blues, silvers and pinks. Conversely, women or girls with darker skin tones may find the best eye makeup colors to be bronzes, browns, and greens. Finally, your eye color should also take into account which eyeshadow colors you decide to use. One of the easiest eye makeup tips to remember is that blue eyes generally look best with shades of blue, brown eyes prefer shades of brown, while women with green eyes should wear eye makeup with green undertones. When learning how to apply eye makeup, simple tips like the one above can make things so much easier right off the bat.

A myth that circulates in many fashion and cosmetic magazines is that your eye shadow should match your outfit and even your bag. Following this tip will usually make you look pretty silly and should be avoided unless the color of the clothes you’re wearing really complements your eye color and skin tone. For example, you wouldn’t want to wear black eye makeup if you were wearing a black and white outfit. Another key point to remember is that the job of your eye makeup is to complement you, the person, and not what you are wearing.

There is an old saying that you may have heard before that says “less is more”. When you learn how to do eye makeup, this should be a rule that you never forget. This will help you avoid the very common mistake many women and girls make who think that applying heavy eye makeup will make them look even more attractive. Yes, you do manage to get the attention you seek, but it will be of the negative variety. Make sure your makeup does what it’s supposed to do, that is, enhance your skin tone, lashes, and eye size rather than diminish these natural features.

When it comes to achieving a great effect with your eye shadow, it is essential that you select three colors that complement each other and use different shades, namely light, medium and dark. Someone with fair skin should choose colors such as silver for a light tone, a light blue for a medium tone, and a dark blue for a dark tone. Next, take the lightest color, like silver, and apply it in an arc from the brow crease. Remember to apply this eye makeup very lightly so that it does not look caked on. Doing this procedure correctly will give your eyes a three-dimensional appearance as well as highlight the arch of your brow.

A key component to achieving a three-dimensional look is using a dark color to create a shadow effect. It is important to keep this basic concept in mind when learning how to do eye makeup, as well as if you are looking for a three-dimensional effect. In our example, you would take the darkest color, in this case dark blue, and then apply it to the crease of each of your eyes. This will give you a layered effect.

Now we have to work on the eyelid. Again in our example, we would take our medium color which was light blue and apply it to the lid. This helps enhance your eyelid so that when you blink it looks natural. Yet another tip is to apply the medium color very sparingly, as you don’t want the color to appear dark. Only use enough to draw attention to the eyelid. If you’re having trouble with this step and find that it takes a lot for the color to work, it may mean you’re using poor quality eye makeup. Most good quality eyeshadow products contain more concentrated color pigments that will do the job in one or two applications at the most.

Blending may be the most important step in learning how to do eye makeup correctly, as it is key to achieving the ideal effect for your efforts. Start by taking a cotton swab and slowly blend the edges of your eyeshadow. Resist the temptation to use circular motions when mixing, as this can cause smearing. Something you want to avoid at all costs. The effect you’re looking for is one that makes your eye shadow look well blended, not smudged, with the result that your eyes stand out.

Hopefully, now you can see how easy it can be to get great eye makeup results if you use your common sense and take your time. So don’t be afraid to experiment and see which eye makeup colors and combinations give you the best effects. Just keep the eye makeup tips discussed in the above article in mind when learning how to apply eye makeup for amazing results!

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