How to drastically increase your value in the eyes of a man

Increasing your value in the eyes of a man implies developing a “High Degree of Difficulty”.

Having a “High Difficulty Rating” simply means having such a full life and thinking so highly of yourself that a man WILL have to be the “chaser” in order to spend time with you!

This is a very different feeling and “vibe” than chasing after a guy, trying to impress him, and “proving” to him that you’re a great catch.

First, let’s see what it’s like to have a UNDER The degree of difficulty looks like:

… initiate contact with a man.

… ask a man out.

…driving up to a man for a date.

… paying on the dates.

…offering to help a man with something if he hasn’t specifically asked for it.

…leaving room in your schedule for a man if he hasn’t asked you out yet.

… play “therapist” or “counselor” to a man by helping him “figure something out.”

…tolerate bad behavior or anything that doesn’t make you feel good.

… closing your options and dating a man exclusively before he offers you the commitment you seek.

Now, imagine that you have two pieces of jewelry – a rhinestone necklace that cost you $5, and a REAL diamond necklace that cost you $5,000.

Even if these two necklaces looked identical, if she had to work hard and save for the real diamond necklace, it would have a higher degree of difficulty, so it would feel different.

You would value it more.

You would handle it more carefully to make sure you can keep it forever.

If you attended a special event, what necklace do you think you would wear?

This is similar to how it works in dating: I want you to start treating YOURSELF like you would the expensive diamond necklace!

Claiming to be “hard to get” is NOT the same as having a “High Degree of Difficulty”.

In fact, faking anything will seem needy, insecure, and desperate to a man. He will be able to perceive in your environment that everything is about him, which will weaken his attraction to you.

In other words, it HAS to be authentic!

Keeping your options open in the early stages of dating will AUTOMATICALLY increase your degree of difficulty!

Since you will be at the center of many men vying for your time and attention, you simply won’t have time for a man who isn’t actively looking for you.

If a man isn’t “stepping up” and pursuing you or doing his job in the relationship, he’ll just “get lost in the shuffle” and lose you to a man of more masculine energy.

When you do this, you will begin to feel less attached to a particular man, because suddenly he is not the only man in the world.

This attitude and vibe is incredibly attractive to a man! It will inspire his masculine need to “win you over.”

If you can maintain this “High Degree of Difficulty” vibe during courtship dating and throughout the relationship, everything else will fall into place.

Once you get this vibe and it starts to feel natural – Men will be more attracted to you, and all sorts of things will begin to organically change in the right direction!

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