How to have a girl – Essential tips to have a girl

Ever since couples have been trying to get pregnant, women have always wanted to know how to have a girl. Whether you already have multiple boys and want nothing more than a girl now or just want a girl first, the method you are about to learn has a reported success rate of up to 90% and is one of the few. that really work.

Sure, you’ll always hear stories about some old wives’ tales like making love in the afternoon, or only on even-numbered days of the month. You may have even heard crazy things like putting a wooden spoon under your bed when trying to get a girl. But don’t worry, the following tips on how to have a girl are actually scientific and I’m going to explain the rationale behind each of them.

have sex in certain positions

And when I talk about certain positions, in fact, I mean positions that do not allow deep penetration. The missionary position with the man on top is, for example, one of the preferred positions when making a girl. It only allows shallow penetration and is therefore perfect. The reason behind this is that the closer you get to the entrance of your vagina, the less alkaline it is and therefore the harder it is for Y (boy) sperm, which is generally more fragile than X (girl) sperm. This means that more girl sperm, which is more resistant than boy sperm, will reach the egg and the chances of conceiving a girl are much higher.

Have as much sex as possible

But only in the days leading up to ovulation, sorry guys! Sperm can survive up to 6 days and if you stop having sex about 2-3 days before ovulation, only the hardiest X (girl) sperm will remain to fertilize the egg as it travels down the fallopian tube.

Another advantage of this method is that frequent intercourse will lower your partner’s sperm count and increase the chances that the female sperm will reach the egg first. However, too much sex can usually lower your partner’s sperm count and could make it harder to conceive.

These are just two tips on how to have a girl, but if you click on the link below, you will find many more.

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