How to spice up your next party

Tired of the same old dinners? Tired of playing the same music, serving the same food, and drinking the same wine? Here are seven ideas to spice up the next grown-up gathering in your home. Leave the kids with the babysitter, because some of these ideas are more than a little naughty!

Drinking games. No, we are not talking about the college classics of flip-cup and beer-pong. Now we are adults and we are a little more sophisticated than that. Try Wine Knot, a drinking game based on nautical games played by Portuguese sailors to fill their time at sea. Or how about the Vodka Party Game, a strategic board game with a Cold War spy theme? There are many board games based on different drinks, from tequila to beer, wine, and vodka, each with a different theme. So pick your drink of choice, gather a few friends around the dining room table, and enjoy.

Spicy games. If you’re up for it, there are plenty of ways to have a little “grown-up” fun while the kids are out and about, and with this kind of fun, it’s best if you invite friends over. Try Tarts and Vicars, a sexy drinking-themed board game. If you and your friends are very open-minded, there’s always Postman’s Promise, a board game based on the kissing game, Postman’s Knock. You are sure to have an exciting night with this one!

Costumes Just for something different, throw a costume party. Costumes can be creatively incorporated into themes. For example, if you regularly gather your friends to watch a favorite TV show, throw a party and ask each of your guests to come dressed as a character. Throw a birthday party for your boyfriend and ask each of his friends to come dressed as one of his exes. If you’re throwing a party with a slightly naughty theme, ask for a “sexy” dress. There are many ways to dress up and have fun at your next party.

Entertainment. If you’re sick of the same list on your Ipod, hire a DJ to spice things up. If you have a space to dance, all the better – dancing is sure to add fun and excitement to any night. A live band can be a great way to bring new music to your evening. For the adventurous, there is always live “adult” entertainment for men and women!

Card games. You will be amazed at the fun you can have with a deck of cards. You can play traditional drinking games, place bets, and let the winner buy the next round, or even play some nude poker if you’re up for it. Cards are a fun and inexpensive way to turn your next party into an interesting, and maybe even unforgettable night.

Challenges. Can your guests identify different liquors just by smell when they are blindfolded? Can you complete a video scavenger hunt overnight? Fun challenges can definitely make any party more exciting, especially if there is a prize for the person who wins.

Group narration. Have all of your guests sit in a circle. Using a sheet of lined paper, write two lines of a story on the paper, then fold the paper so that only the second line is visible. The next guest will add two lines to the story, then fold the paper so that only the second line of their addition is visible. When everyone has finished, read the story aloud. When broadcast to a large group of people, this game can be fun, especially if alcohol is involved.

Truth or Dare. The original party game, and it’s still going strong. People love the truth or the challenge because it is unpredictable. You could end up getting off by saying an obvious truth, or you could have to run naked down the street! This game is particularly fun when the truth or dare options are written on cards and the guests draw options.

The next time you’re throwing a party, you don’t need to have a dull, predictable night. Bring one of these ideas and let the fun begin. Use your imagination and don’t be afraid to get a little naughty, and your guests are sure to be talking about the night for years to come!

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