Multiply your online music sales x 12

Would you like to be able to sell your music in 12 different languages? I’m not talking about selling to
Citizens of other nations by default speak English as a second language within their own country, but actually have their music website easily translated into these respective 12 foreign languages.

In fact, music aside, most websites (except locally focused ones) could greatly benefit from having a multilingual website where visitors, upon discovering these sites directly or indirectly, would immediately appreciate the opportunity to review the information on the sites in your own language.

However, although the Internet has been available to the general public for over ten years, most sites are not available in multiple languages. And, although there are no statistics to verify this, it’s not hard to imagine lost sales as a result of sites not being accessible in foreign languages ​​in probably astronomical proportions. And this doesn’t lend itself well to the axiom, “What you can’t see, can’t hurt you.”

Since it is now a foregone conclusion that compact discs will shortly join the graveyard of dead media of which the 8-track cartridge has long become a permanent member, and since digital downloads have rapidly become the norm, primarily due to convenience and cost, there is no better time than now for recording musicians/artists to seriously consider upgrading their multi-language sites.

There’s an old axiom that says, “Music is the universal language,” yet few music sites, and in particular sites owned by musicians and recording artists, seem to take that saying seriously. Perhaps, however, this is simply an area that has not become prominent on a mass conscious level.

However, there is no better time in this particular state of the music industry to implement and transition your music site to a fully functional multilingual site because:

* Like you, most musicians and recording artists are not giving this continuous concrete thought.

* Be one of the first artists to convert your site, particularly if you’re into highly competitive music
genre i.e. Hip Hop, Rock, etc. will give you a jump on your competition

* Regardless of where music is produced, geographically, people all over the world enjoy and buy music.

* Broadly speaking, all things being equal, if a single compact disc sold for $12 in a single day in response to the promotional effect of a single language, then multiplying this effort by at least 12 languages ​​constitutes the sales of the CD. day, theoretically, at $144.

For more financial perspective and applying the above calculation to a week, a month, or even a year to see a marked difference in your income, it equates to sales income of $1,008 per week, $4,032 per month, and $48,384 per year.

Now keep in mind that the $48,384 above is solely from the theoretical scenario above, but realistic of
enjoying the fruits of the labor of a multilingual music website that exists on a global scale. actually you
The website already exists on a global scale… but you don’t know it yet.

Now, to the multilingual sales revenue above, add the following:

* the number of sales you will make at each concert

* the number of sales you will make on third party sites that sell your music i.e. CD Baby, iTunes, Super D Wholesaler

Now, let’s say you’re a full-time musician who plays at least three times a week and sells a minimum of three $12 CDs at each show. His annual income from these particular concert sales equals another $5,184, bringing both sales ventures to a total of $53,568.

And this doesn’t even count the income paid for his performance, suffice it to say that he could easily exceed $75,000 per year, even if he was only making $100 per concert every week just locally or regionally. Furthermore, by now being able to grow her following from her multilingual website, she has also opened up avenues for overseas live performances that did not exist before, to earn even more income.

Remember a few years ago when having a website was considered an enhanced luxury and how weird it was at first to see companies show their URLs in their TV commercials? Now, fast-forward to today and remember how weird it is to see a TV commercial that *doesn’t* have your website in the ad. Well, the same will soon be true for single language websites.

Hear what a leading international marketing company has to say about the benefits of having a website in multiple languages:


“If your website is only in a single language, say English, this puts many international audiences out of reach, and the huge potential markets they represent. In today’s global marketplace, it’s wise to consider implementing a multilingual website The benefits of having a multilingual website and the advantages are obvious.

The Internet’s ability to cross cultural barriers makes it a truly global communication tool, and getting ahead means opening up previously uncharted markets. Simply put, if you don’t translate, you won’t reach enough customers with your website. A multilingual site will turn online inquiries into sales and new relationships for your business.”

So, if you are in the market to dramatically increase your music sales and take your sales into a much higher financial realm from the further efforts of translating your single language website into a powerful multi-language website , let me interest you more in the item that has been endorsed and approved by Google that can help you get started easily on this page [].

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