Once bitten: what to do when an animal bites you

Most people identify as animal lovers. In fact, according to the Insurance Information Institute, 60.2% of American households own a dog and more than 47% own a cat. Not to mention reptiles, birds, and other large mammals! Although animals play an important role in our lives, different triggers can cause an animal to attack.

In 2017, the city of San Antonio, Texas experienced an influx of stray dogs, which became problematic for the United States Postal Service (USPS). In a news segment on KENS5, it was reported that San Antonio ranks 11th in the nation for dog attacks on postal workers. The CDC also tells us that men and children are more likely to be attacked by dogs.

Prevention is key: animals usually give warning signs before attacking. Growls, hisses, arched backs and lowered ears are just a few of the signs animals give us when they feel threatened.

For dogs: don’t approach an unfamiliar dog, don’t make eye contact and back away slowly.

For cats: walk away when they start to show aggression (ie, hair standing on end, back arched, tail wagging, etc.). Give the animal a chance to calm down before attempting to interact with it.

Wild Animals: Keep calm, make yourself look bigger than you are, and back away slowly. Never run from a wild animal; this can trigger their chase instinct.

Stay safe: Put as much distance as possible between the victim and the animal. Use your body, clothing, or items like a bag or backpack to prevent the animal from attacking vulnerable areas like the neck and face.

Assess the situation: Depending on the animal and the chances that it is vaccinated, you may or may not need medical assistance. If the wounds are not very deep, the animal has been vaccinated within the last 364 days, and you are up to date on your tetanus shots, you can safely clean the area with soap and water, apply antibiotic ointment to the wound, and bandage it . Seek medical attention if the lesion becomes red, painful, or swollen.

Know when to get help: Seek medical attention immediately if the victim has deep wounds with excessive bleeding, has a fever, or is attacked by an animal that has not been vaccinated in the last year. Many animals carry harmful diseases that can cause infection and, in some cases, even death.

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