Parents, please leave your cell phone

Parents, please leave your cell phones.:-

“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting kids to work together and motivating them, the teacher is most important” – Bill Gates.

And the parents too! During our childhood, when we used to sit with our parents, do you remember your parents lowering their heads to send messages, go back to an email or be too busy with social media? No, right? But unfortunately, we are. In the age of technology, whether we like it or not, we live in a digital world where advanced digital media enhance our lives and keep us connected to the outside world despite our busy schedules. However, the problem arises every time we cross the fine line from general to obsessive use. Technology can be a wonderful tool and can elevate a child’s life if used appropriately. We can watch our favorite shows/movies together, listen to music, read books online on our iPods/laptops/desktops, or make voice/video calls with our friends and family, but as said before, maintaining a balance is the key. . Too much technology can distract them, affect their thinking, social/reading/learning and writing skills. Many times the child feels ignored and wants extra attention, in fact; we spend a lot of time scanning things on smartphones that we don’t really care about and we fail to focus on things/people that really matter. Not just at home, but parents often check their phone even when they go out to dinner, park, shopping malls and movies with their kids. Don’t get me wrong, we need technology, but it should help us save time and energy so we can focus on the things that matter most. Our son! Many of us have reached a stage where we can live without our child for a day but not without our Smartphone.

Did you know? – Research reveals that most of us check our phone every 6 minutes or more than 150 times a day. The time we spend on our smartphones, which we sadly should be allowing our child, has a measurable impact not only on their physical and mental health, but also on your child’s overall neurological well-being and even on their social, personal and family relationships. . Parents are the best teachers of a child’s growing life and their first role model. These few suggestions are sure to help you practice what he preaches:

• For a while, put your cell phones on silent mode, your computer on sleep mode so you can be with your child in active mode. Before becoming digital robots, please keep your smartphones down, go with your child to enjoy the natural beauties, watch birds/animals/plants/sunrise together. If you’re at home, play non-electronic games together like chess, puzzle solving, treasure hunts, memory games, Simon says, lemon and spoon, board games, paper games, dice games, or read a book together.

• Calculate the time you really need to spend on your phone; when and how you will use the technology in the most productive way making sure it does not interrupt our family time.

• Give them at least 1 hour of your undivided attention each day. Undivided attention helps the child build a strong value system, do constructive things, develops affirmative self-esteem, and increases self-confidence.

• Plan a technology-free outing with your family, even if it’s for a half or day.

• Create a policy where you and your spouse decide on some guidelines/rules such as – No TV/cell phones/laptops during bedtime, school, mealtimes, family conversations, and prayer time .

• Avoid sharing each and every image on social media. Respect your privacy and that of your child.

The next time you complain about your child’s addiction to digital devices, look at yourself first. Most of the time it is your addiction; they are simply following in your footsteps.

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