The best ways to build an ecological bathroom

One of the top trends for 2013 is including eco-friendly features in bathroom remodels and new bathrooms. However, many people are looking for ways to have a completely green bathroom and not just a few items here or there. These are the best ways to build an eco-friendly bathroom.

1. The first obviously is to be aware of the flow of water. There are three areas in the bathroom that consume water: the toilet, the shower, and the sink. Toilet water flow can be controlled with European-style low-flush toilets. There are two water flow options, one for low flow and one for full flow. Most shower nozzles come with a ring that reduces the flow of water. Another way to make your bathroom eco-friendly is to have your shower water drain into a tank that can be reused to water your lawn and flower beds. The same can be done with the water from the kitchen sink. If you decide to go this route, be sure to use biodegradable soaps and shampoos. As for sinks, low-flow water devices are also available.

2. Use low or no VOC paints. “Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. VOCs include a variety of chemicals, some of which can have short-term and long-term adverse health effects,” according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Environmental. This is especially important if children use the restrooms.

3. Incorporating natural elements doesn’t just make a bath feel relaxing; certain items can also be eco-friendly. The first is to harness the natural energy of the sun. If you have a south-facing bathroom, larger windows will help heat the room naturally, which will lower energy bills. Window treatments like double cell blinds can keep warm air in at night or block out sunlight during the summer months, keeping the room cooler. Plants are also a great addition to a bathroom, but make sure they are tropical plants that thrive on humidity. Plants help clean the air of pollutants and give us oxygen.

4. Use recycled or reclaimed barn wood for cabinets. Wood stands the test of time well and can create a great rustic look for the bathroom.

5. Using repurposed tile is a great way to create art in a bathroom. By searching for tiles that have been discarded, the homeowner can create a stunningly unique atmosphere by mixing and matching colors and textures for a fraction of the cost of new tiles.

There are many ways to make a new bathroom eco-friendly. Updating a bathroom can be done with just a few tweaks here and there. Remember, reuse, reduce and recycle applies both in bathrooms and in any other room in the house.

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