The psychology behind the Catholic claims of angels and the origin of their relics

All the Vatican has done over the years has been to add credibility to its claims. The question is how credible they are in light of the fanciful notions presented to the public, most of which are incredible. Many of the relics were supposedly brought to Rome by Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine, after he established the organization in 325 AD. The ‘relics’ of Christ include his crucifixion more than 300 years after his death.

The psychology at stake here is that you believe what you see with your eyes, rather than what you know or feel in your heart. This is the Roman way and it began in Babylon, where the Islamic religion had its origin. There, Nebuchadnezzar and others used images to impress and test their claims. This strengthened the wall that imprisons God’s people.

If a religion is spiritual and truly serves God, why is credibility important? My bond with the Spirit is such that it commissioned me to remove the wall of blindness and restore reality. The size of the barrier is such that the earth was plunged into darkness and covered with evil.

Spirit works within everyone to steer them on the right path to complete the plan in their place from the beginning. It is written in the Old Testament prophecies and involves the Second Beast of Revelation, who points out that it is the Assyrian (Isaiah 14:25) and 666 (Revelation 13: 12-18).

The problem with the credibility of the Church is that Rome was sacked by Titus in AD 70 and Jerusalem was destroyed. Not even the surrounding wall survived. The Temple Mount was destroyed and even the treasures that had been hidden were discovered and brought to Rome.

Helena, despite this, returned to Rome with things that the Church claims Jesus Christ used, such as the stairs that she supposedly climbed to trial with Pontius Pilate. Even more incredulous is the House of Loreto. This basilica that surrounds this extraordinary structure is carved in stone and decorated with well-carved images.

The house itself is said to have been the home of the Virgin Mary during her childhood and the place where she conceived Jesus. Measuring 8.5 by 3.8 and 4.1 tall, a large house by any measure, this 2-story structure was apparently brought to Croatia in 1291 by angels when they threatened to destroy it by the Turks.

He was again carried by angels across the Adriatic Sea to Italy in 1294. He was then transferred to Loreto. This incredible story is apparently backed up by the number of miracles on each of its sites. Of course, there is no verification for any of these threads. Psychologically, however, people believe it and are led to believe that they are cured by its influence.

Suggestion healing is not unheard of and when someone believes strongly enough they can create the right vibrations. We don’t understand how that happens, but hypnosis is certainly a pointer in this direction. Self-hypnosis is not impossible.

Other relics kept by the Church due to Helena’s trip to Jerusalem include what are supposedly parts of the original cross, nails that held Christ, and even milk from the breast of the Virgin Mary. While many may laugh at this collection and its unlikely credibility, it attracts thousands of pilgrims to the places where they are housed.

They are one of the largest money spinners the church owns. The bones of Saint Peter were also supposedly recovered under the Vatican a few years ago. They are now on display in a wet and covered tomb below the Basilica. The number of people who turn up to see it makes getting a ticket very difficult.

You can see, therefore, how religious psychology works to preserve the faith and mislead the public. The more people believe the stories and are engulfed by the power of the relics, the bigger the organization becomes and the more money it pursues in its coffers.

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