The Top 6 Things Effective Leaders Must Do!

After more than four decades of professional involvement, in nearly everything related to effective leadership, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and mentoring thousands of actual and/or potential leaders, to personally serving as a leader, several/ several times, I strongly believe, the first few things someone does, once they become a leader, often determines the possibilities, for their future success and hopefully meaningful service and representation! Too often, some well-intentioned individuals end up wasting valuable time and opportunities because they aren’t ready to get started. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review, and discuss the top six things effective leaders must do.

one. Create the best inner circle: What you look for in your inner circle of trusted advisors often determines your ultimate potential and performance! Many select, only, the so-called, yes, men, who always agree with their original perspectives, but this process does not allow for open-minded, opportunity-oriented leadership, and ends up perpetuating the same. – old, same – old, approaches and limits possibilities! The wisest leaders realize this and seek out, as their team, people with genuine and uncompromising integrity, combined with special skills and knowledge, and the courage and self-confidence to clearly articulate their reasoning, positions, and perspective. , in a smart and cooperative way! This is, perhaps, the only way to maximize achievement, common sense, a set of actions and processes, to make a difference – for the better!

2. Thorough strategic planning: Many groups claim, and perhaps actually believe, that they engage in strategic planning, when all they really do is resort to blaming and complaining, or not facing the facts and wearing rose-tinted glasses! A comprehensive strategic plan should begin with an understanding of the specific group’s heritage, history, ideology, and mission, and consider whether it remains relevant or needs to be modified. This means that the committee must examine where the organization has been, where it is, if it needs some changes (without reinventing the wheel), or a complete overhaul, where it wants to be, in the immediate, in between, and more – run! It is essential to ensure that it does not turn into a mere grievance session, which is destructive and self-defeating!

3. Relevant, well-developed action plan with contingency planning: At the beginning of one’s tenure, you should use what you have learned from strategic planning and perceive and conceive, create, develop and implement the most relevant and fully considered action plan! Since there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all, when it comes to doing this, every effort should be made to customize it to ensure it is the best course, forward, for the specific group, at this point in the weather! Action plans should include not just the so-called Plan A, but a variety of contingency plans, to maximize sustainability and quality.

Four. Table of Responsibilities: Using the appropriate people from one’s inner circle, planning should include a detailed table of responsibilities for each aspect, as well as a timeline and a way to carefully check progress and whether an alternative approach may be necessary and necessary!

5. Engage/inspire/motivate stakeholders: Only when you articulate your message, reasoning and what you are looking for in a clear, inspiring and motivating way will you achieve the essential component of increased stakeholder engagement and engagement!

6. Pragmatic Idealism/Meeting-of-the-Minds: Beware of the dangers of blind idealism, because only when one is pragmatic, in his approach, will he get things done! Sticking to a particular approach, even if it is the best path, often accomplishes little, if not at all! The ultimate goal of this process must be to achieve a meeting of the minds, for the greater good!

If you want to be a leader, commit to at least these 6 steps, right from the start! Are you prepared for the tasks, responsibilities and commitments?

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