Turn your self-published book into an Amazon bestseller

In 2004, “950,000 of the 1.2 million titles tracked by Nielsen Bookscan sold fewer than 99 copies. Another 200,000 sold fewer than 1,000 copies. Only 25,000 sold more than 5,000 copies. The average book in America sells about 500 copies” .

Publisher’s WeeklyJuly 17, 2006

You don’t necessarily have to sell a lot of books to become an Amazon bestseller, and this title has clear advantages.

Once you become an Amazon bestselling author, you can forever be called a “bestselling author.”

If you have joint venture partners, with a little planning, you can design a massive email campaign with incentive bonuses to buy your Amazon book on a given day. Your book becomes an Amazon bestseller in one of its categories using this method.

No one knows how many copies it takes to hit the bestseller mark because Amazon has its own proprietary algorithm.

I get reports from my book dealer every month, but there is no data on which bookstores sold how many books.

Amazon will not give you a plaque to verify your bestseller status, so we monitor Amazon every minute and take computer screenshot to verify books as bestseller.

Amazon updates their numbers every hour. However, his book becomes a bestseller “by fee” rather than by the number of copies sold. This means that we must sell as many books as we can in the shortest possible time!

When my customers ask me what Amazon Best Seller status really means, it makes me laugh. My business partner and I have the “everything’s made up” attitude, meaning life in general. We believe in our lives by what we believe to be true, and we have the ability to create another belief for ourselves and change our lives.

It is the same for best seller status. It means what an author or a reader wants it to mean.

In my workshops, I sometimes ask students what dollar value they would place on becoming the #1 bestselling author on Amazon. Answers range from $65,000.00 and up to almost nothing. But most of them see it as a great advantage.

For my books, it has been extremely advantageous, because:

1. Attract more sales at higher prices

2. Attract Better Quality Customers

3. Standing Out from the Competition

4. Granting of expert status

5.Assignment of celebrity status

6. Creating Instant Credibility

The same is possible for you!

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