twisted wool rug

Wool Twist Carpet is usually sold in 80/20 wool/polypropylene content, but can also be purchased as 50/50 or 20/80, but generally the best quality wool rugs are 80/20.

The quality of 80/20 wool rugs is usually measured by weight and is usually measured in ounces. An 80/20 wool twist rug usually starts at 30 oz which is medium household, most 80/20 have a pile weight of 40 oz which is heavy household and along with a base of quality, will last a long time. 50 oz, 60 oz, 70 oz are also available within certain ranges of mats, but not necessarily better quality, just a longer pile. If you are looking for stair carpet, living room, corridor, etc. so a 40 oz stack weight is more than adequate.

Wool rugs generally come in 4 and 5 meter widths and can be purchased in a solid color or with a stain, which usually means there are some colors mixed into the body of the rug to give it a mottled effect.

When considering wool rugs you should always choose a color that is practical as well as quality, as with 3 dogs, 4 kids and a messy husband a plain cream colored rug probably won’t last a few days as new so the The color of your rug should also reflect your lifestyle, if there is a lot of traffic choose a twisted rug like a triple twisted berber rug or a dark colour, which will avoid showing all the marks.

Finally, twisted wool rugs are one of the best rugs you can opt for when shopping for your home, be sure to check out all the possibilities before you buy as searching online can uncover some great deals.

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