Weimaraner Breed and Traits

I love my beautiful “Grey Ghosts”. The Weimaraner is a particularly striking breed with its silky silver-gray coat and blue-green eyes. Although they are not for everyone. I wouldn’t trade mine for the world, but I knew what I was getting into before I got them by doing extensive research on different dog breeds. I had only had labs before, another great dog, but after losing my chocolate “Penny”, my heart was too heavy to fall in love with another lab! So if you are thinking or just want to know a little more about Weimaraners, let me tell you first hand!

Weimaraners are known for their fine, short, sleek gray fur. Color ranges from a mouse gray to a silvery gray, and there is a line of “blue” Weimaraners that are almost a charcoal gray. Their distinctive colors have led to this breed being nicknamed the Silver Ghost or Gray Ghost. Their coat color is definitely a rarity among dog breeds. Most have very long aristocratic lines, long noses and large hound ears, but there is also a stockier square head line that reminds me of a square or box head Labrador. Turns out I have one of each.

They were originally known as Weimer Pointers (obtained from the court that sponsored the breed) and are a product of selective German breeding. Weimaraners come from the same general stock as other German hunting breeds. They are believed to be descendants of the Bloodhound and were originally used to hunt wolves, deer, and bears. Over the years, due to the rarity of big game in its environment, the Weimaraner adapted to become a bird dog and personal hunting companion. They are pointers, most will instinctively alert and point without training, and have a keen sense of smell.

Weimaraners are devoted and affectionate family members, and although they are usually quite large, 60 to 90 pounds, they prefer to be in the house with their people. They are extremely intelligent, but Weims can be choosy about when and how they use their intelligence. For example, they may yawn while being taught how to “stay” or “turn around,” or just look at you, but by the time you turn your back, they’ve figured out how to turn the doorknob and sneak out. Mine managed to get a solid frozen 14 pound turkey out of a sink, and was halfway through the frozen turkey when his mischief was discovered, which was only a span of about 5 minutes!

Weimaraners have a tendency to rule the home if not properly trained. A strong willed owner, with the time and ability to train, socialize and play with your Weim is almost essential. As with most dogs, neglect or mistreatment of a Weim can lead to destructive behavior that could include property damage, excessive barking, and dirty carpets. If you’ve made them angry, they’ll let you know, not through aggression, but through excessively stubborn behavior. It can be said that everything they do is ON PURPOSE, completely planned, but perhaps not thought through as to the consequences!

Although they are very gentle and kind, Weimaraners can knock things (and people) over without realizing it. For this reason, they are probably not the best apartment dwellers, and not the best with very young children or the elderly. They sure love their water bowls and usually splash a good sized puddle around their drinking area. Weims have also been known to want to come over and give you a big wet doggy kiss right after they drink… at least mine does! They will bark at strangers, or make strange noises, being very alert to what is going on around them. If you receive them as puppies and have other animals around them, they will socialize quite well, but not so much with cats or small dogs. Their natural hunting instincts are strong, and when they are older it is not easy to introduce a new member to what they consider to be THEIR pack or family. Weims are known to be very protective and particular towards THEIR person or family.

Weimaraners need plenty of exercise and, if possible, a large yard to play in. On the subject of yardage, the Weims are very good at running away from it! They have been known to open doors and jump fences, and can also dig like groundhogs. Mine have removed some siding from the house because they smelled a lizard that had crawled behind it to escape the heat and the dogs! Definitely take them outside and give them time to play, but experts don’t recommend leaving them alone in the yard for extended periods of time. They are very, very cunning, and once again, they are escape artists!

So who would do better with a Weimaraner? The ideal person for a Weim is someone who is active and has time to spend with his dog. They are ideal young singles or families with older children. Raising a Weimaraner requires patience and a calmer, more collected individual with a gentle disposition. They absolutely DO NOT respond to yelling or hitting. They are sensitive! In fact, they will go to great lengths to do the opposite of what you want if you treat them aggressively. I have been told, especially by the vet, that my Weims are actually very calm and well behaved for the breed, but that is because I have a very calm and gentle nature, and I spent a LOT of time with them as puppies to avoid any trouble. destructive behavior. His breed is known for being a bit hyperactive or excitable.

A healthy Weimaraner can live up to 17 years, with an average of 12 to 14 years. Some common health problems for a Weim include hip dysplasia, tumors, and immune system disorders. Weims are also prone to swelling. Instead of one big meal, two smaller meals a day are enough.

All in all, they are wonderful and so full of personality. Their expressions, beauty and the way they interact with you is priceless. The traits explained above are typical, but with any breed of dog, your animal will respond greatly to its environment and how it is raised and treated. Any breed of dog can be a good dog, and vice versa. It is best to fully understand what you are assuming when adopting a gray ghost or any breed. Becoming a dog parent is a huge responsibility and a 12- to 18-year commitment that should never be taken lightly or on a whim. However, I must say that one look at the sweet little face of a little Weimaraner with those big blue eyes and floppy ears is something very hard to resist.

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