What can you have for breakfast with Medifast?

I sometimes hear from people who aren’t sure what you’re supposed to eat for breakfast when you’re on the Medifast diet. So in the next article, I’ll go over some basic options that will hopefully give you some ideas to provide a place to start.

Know that many breakfasts are provided for you: Bear with me if you already know, but when you’re on this diet, you’re supposed to eat five of the meals you’re given daily. In addition, you only prepare one main meal, which is called a “lean and green” meal. In addition to all this, you are allowed two small snacks.

So, you have a couple of options at breakfast time. You can go with one of the prepackaged meals. And if you have a busy morning, this may be the easiest option because you don’t need to plan or cook. You can choose from eggs, pancakes, cold cereal, oatmeal, a shake, or a bar, to name just a few options. These are all items provided to you that you just need to assemble or basically heat or add milk or water. It should literally only take a few minutes to make your breakfast and be on your way.

Ideas for a Lean and Green Medifast Breakfast: I admit that many people eat their main “lean and green” meal for dinner. This is generally the time of day when most of us are home from work and have time to prepare a meal. And many like to share that food with their family. Therefore, it may make sense to eat a larger meal in the evening.

But some will think of having this main meal for breakfast. Regardless of when you choose this meal, know that it should be made up of a small serving of lean protein and three servings of vegetables. So if you’re going to have this food for breakfast, an obvious choice would be an omelet. Eggs provide the lean protein and you can easily add whatever vegetables you fancy. Another idea is to have turkey bacon for protein and add some vegetables on the side. You can also make a mock turkey bacon or egg breakfast sandwich by wrapping an egg or a slice of turkey bacon or cheese in a piece of lettuce that is used as a bun. Add two more vegetables that you like and you have a nice meal.

Another option is to use one of the prepackaged items as a convenient ingredient to make preparing lean and organic easier. Do you remember the omelette I told you about before? Well, you can take one of those prepackaged eggs and add some bagged greens to it. Another idea that I really love is to take Medifast eggs and mix them with chili or sloppy joe and use lettuce to hold it like a southwestern wrap. Since sloppy joe and chili are both vegetarian meals, this fills that protein and vegetable requirement and you can make it all in just a few minutes without messing up your kitchen or stove.

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