What is healthier, skipping breakfast or just eating something quick and sweet?

I’m sure you’ve been reminded many times to start your day off right with a healthy breakfast, but sometimes we just don’t have the time. Also, how many times have you felt rushed in the morning and delayed eating breakfast before lunch time? Does this apply to you?

Yet when we skip our usual morning meal, we’re all too easily tempted by the chocolate donut at work or the cinnamon rolls at Krispy Kreme. But sometimes we wonder: Is it better for our health to skip those sugary treats and skip breakfast altogether, or to buy a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts when we run out of the house every morning, so many times?

The fact is, when we skip breakfast, all we do is add damage to our bodies.

It’s better to eat something than nothing in the morning, because as the day progresses, performing even the simplest tasks becomes exhausting and stressful on the body.

The benefits of eating breakfast help reduce the risk of obesity as most of us today are very health conscious.

While a donut isn’t the best thing for your body, it will kick-start your metabolism, helping your body and brain jump start in the morning. The truth is, if you don’t eat anything, you’ll most likely feel tired, cranky, and have low energy during the morning hours, making your day feel dull.

Every once in a while there’s nothing wrong with going healthy to make that donut or cinnamon roll craving you’re debating having that much healthier. Just choose an option that is higher in protein or fat. That way, you won’t have the side effects of high blood sugar.

Instead, choose a healthier route. Instead of those sweet cravings, eating a slice of whole wheat toast topped with cinnamon might satisfy your craving. Don’t add butter to your toast. Just lightly sprinkle with quality cinnamon without that added sugar.

Yes, fruit may not be the first thing that comes to mind as a donut alternative, but it will also satisfy a sweet tooth in turn. Select several fresh fruits and cut them into small pieces. Since fruits have natural sugars, there is no need for sweeteners or excess calories.

If you have the opportunity, but you are not hungry in the morning, do not panic. There are some benefits to missing a morning meal as well. In the end though, eating a consistent and healthy breakfast is probably the best way to ensure optimal health and good energy levels. So without rushing in the mornings, do your best to switch up your morning routines to help get up in time for breakfast. Good luck!

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