All life is one

Many ideas about life have arisen and fallen throughout human history. But as entire human civilizations have come and gone for the past five thousand years, one universal idea has stood the test of time: “All life is one.” A new book studies the profound meaning of “All life is one” that is found universally within past and present human artistic expressions. You will find this idea in Eastern and Western philosophy, in old and new civilizations, and in almost every religion in the world. Many great thinkers are cited who have said “All of life is one” in one form or another, including Gandhi, Carl Jung, George Washington, Bill Bryson, General George Patton, John Donne, Bill Hicks, Silver Birch, Ed Viswanathan and even Buddha. A simple way to define “all life is one” is as follows: “Life exists as a singular interconnected consciousness.” Science now teaches us that DNA is the chain that binds us together. The idea of ​​’all life is one’ takes into account that all DNA alive today has been alive from first life. DNA is not born during the replication process (new life is not recreated) nor does it die during the replication process (it simply becomes part of another chain). This contradicts the concept that we are born, reproduce, and die. All life is truly infinite. Of course, this idea not only runs counter to our traditional thinking about birth, reproduction, and death, but it also dives into the concept of infinity, a concept that the human mind has extreme difficulty understanding. An ‘infinite and singular life’ is quite profound to understand. That is why you can go your whole life without hearing the idea that “all life is one.” Why?

  • Your parents won’t teach you.
  • You won’t find it in public or private education.
  • It is not part of your university study program.
  • It will not appear in a television commercial.
  • It won’t be on the news tonight.
  • It is not part of next week’s corporate training.
  • It will not be on this week’s Reality TV show.
  • It will not be part of this Sunday’s sermon.
  • Your friends will rarely mention it (for fear of being considered crazy).
  • You will have trouble finding a book written about it.
  • It can hardly be found in the temple of outlandish ideas – the Internet.
  • The idea has to be consciously denied in order for it to work in an artificial civilization.

What is similar to the concept that all life is one?

  • DNA, the basic code of life, is self-replicating. DNA (life) is an infinite chain that replicates itself.
  • This “life is infinite” concept can be seen simply by studying the basic behavior of the plant kingdom, insects, and animals.
  • Human DNA is 99.9% identical in all humans, regardless of genetics. We know how the chain works in an identical species.
  • Human DNA is 98.7% identical to a Bonobo. We know how the chain works by going backwards.
  • Studies on human behavior show that behavior is approximately 93% predictable.
  • Studies on human routines show that human behavior is a 95% habit.

But DNA and behavioral studies are not convincing enough on their own.

  • Human inventions like the internet, the corporation, and the combustion engine parallel the concept that ‘all life is one’:
  • The Internet parallels the singular interconnected subconscious (hive mind) of all life on Earth, resembling a Markov Chain of infinite, self-replicating life.
  • The living cell of an organism closely resembles the functioning of the combustion engine.
  • In cosmology, the big bang arose from a singularity of all matter in the universe. In other words, at one point, everything was one.
  • In psychology, defense mechanisms such as denial and repression protect the mind from external ideas that conflict with beliefs taught in childhood. Also cognitive dissonance, the inability to accept two conflicting ideas at the same time. Denial and cognitive dissonance are the most important psychological parallels: they are fundamental components of why “all life is one” cannot be accepted in the human mind.
  • The psychological phenomena that are parallel to “all life is one” are many. Mass movements and ideas spread through proximity, similar to a virus.
  • Groupthink is another common phenomenon in educational settings.
  • The phenomenon of mass hysteria has been studied and explained throughout human history.
  • Four decades of reincarnation studies, psychiatrist Ian Stevenson, indicate that most “past lives” were remembered by children before the age of 10 and then completely forgotten.
  • Studies on identical twins show all kinds of interesting phenomena, including ESP and telepathy.
  • The more psychological parallels include the introjection or replication of behaviors, attributes, or other people, which is quite common in human society.
  • The Stanford Prison Experiment, one of the most interesting psychological experiments ever conducted, had to be canceled due to the results. The results of this experiment should demonstrate, even to the curious observer, the efficacy of role adaptation and that individuals can easily adapt to roles they have never played.

These phenomena alone mean nothing. But tied together, it seems to indicate that there could be a subconscious link between all of life, a ‘hive mind’, so to speak. ‘All life is one’ is the idea that there is only one DNA strand of life, and it is shared by all living things. We all operate from a ‘hive mind’. Another fascinating science is dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a naturally occurring psychedelic. Recently it has been discovered that DMT is found in almost all living organisms. DMT is theorized to serve as a communication channel between all life on Earth. It is now hypothesized that DMT is produced in the human brain and possibly created by the pineal gland. DMT is present in almost all organic life, especially within the plant kingdom. DMT is also found in marine life. Given that we now know that ocean life existed in the ocean for 3.5 billion years before life on land appeared, what could this mean? If all life is one, this doesn’t just explain the good parts of human civilization: faith. Expect. Compassion. Altruism. Artistic talent. Feminine instincts. The positive sides of organized religion. Advances in medicine … It would also explain the bad parts of human civilization: genocide. Suicide. Homicide. Mass murder. Depravity. Cruelty. War. The drive for power. Nuclear weapons. Male instincts. The negative sides of organized religion. From Ying to Yang to your dreams and your hypnosis on the way to your consciousness to your interconnected subconscious, the idea that “all life is one” has answers in a question-filled existence. But no matter what happens in your individual life, or no matter what you believe, just remember 4 simple words: “All life is one.”

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