Brazilian waxing craze

Brazilian waxing has become an interesting phenomenon in the state of Utah. From our southern border of Saint George to Salt Lake City and north to our border, women and men are discovering the benefits of waxing, especially the Brazilian bikini.

So who does this type of hair removal?

I must say that Brazilian fashion cannot be categorized into neat little groups. EVERYONE is a Brazilian waxer and maybe even you! You may be one of those people with the words Brazilian waxing running through your mind for several days, even weeks before you actually decide to commit to waxing. It is one of those rites of passage that tempt, provoke and yet scare you. You may be one of those coming to a salon for your first waxing with your best friend or significant other, or just in case he chickens out!

fear not As the need grows, more salons and estheticians are offering this invaluable service. Here are some interesting things to consider before you book your appointment.

It goes without saying that you really should research who and what salon will be doing this intimate waxing. But some further research should include how much experience the epilator has, what type of license they hold (hopefully Aesthetics), and their idea of ​​what a Brazilian wax really is.

For most people, a Brazilian includes a FULL wax from front to back. Now, whether the girls in Brazil really did each hair up is a mystery to me. And it doesn’t matter A Brazilian, as long as it includes the rear crack, it can be every hair or every hair BUT a small fringe in the front, often referred to as the “runway” (some pilot must have invented that!) Anyway, A common complaint I hear from “those who have waxed” is that the crack in the back is often avoided.

One more important piece of advice… when researching your salon or beautician, please don’t be fooled by anyone who claims it won’t harm you. Seriously folks… what are we doing? We’re pulling the hair off your body. I’m not sure anyone would qualify that as a pleasurable experience. At least not while it’s happening to you. And no special type of wax is going to lessen the severity of removing small hairs from the follicle.

Now, with that being said, the amount of pain that will be inflicted on you really depends on the experience of the esthetician performing the service. While it hurts, it won’t kill you. Will it make you stronger? Well, I don’t know about that, but I do know that hundreds of people are trying Brazilian waxing every month and it’s not a one time thing. The more you pluck, the finer and thinner the hair grows. The more you wax, the less it hurts. The more you shave… the sexier you feel.

Plucking…it’s not JUST about brows anymore. Brazilian wax! Do you dare to try one?

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