Burying bones in Runescape and other ways to train prayer

Every now and then, when you kill a villager in Runescape, you feel like giving back to the world by burying the remains of the creature you just mercilessly killed. In return, from time to time you receive a new prayer level and new prayers to help you in combat. However, if you think the world owes you even more for doing such a good deed, you’re in luck. This article will teach you how to make more of your Runescape sentences heard faster!

Give bones to the soil of Gielinor? No! Love the Ectofuntus and get more!

Guthix originally created Gielinor to create life. Burying bones for Guthix will result in minerals being recycled into the bones, which nourishes plants, etc. Bored a lot? For players who have completed the Ghost Ahoy quest, you can gain 4 times more experience for each set of bones you own. If you are wondering how this wonderful Ectofuntus works, just follow the instructions below to learn how to worship Ectofuntus.

  1. Make sure you have the Ectophial you received in Ghost Ahoy in your inventory. Also make sure you have your ghostspeak charm equipped. You may also want to bring a kinship ring or dueling ring for quick banking.
  2. Remove eight buckets, pots and bones of your choice.
  3. Go to the temple of the Ectofuntus using the Ectophial. It will automatically recharge upon arrival.
  4. Go up the stairs and grind the bones in your inventory using the bone grinder.
  5. Head all the way down. There is an agility shortcut that can increase your adoration if you have an agility level of 58 or higher.
  6. At the bottom of the temple, fill all your buckets with the Ectoplasm slime.
  7. Empty your Ectophyal and worship the Ectofuntus. Don’t forget to pick up your
  8. Teleport to Castle Wars Arena or Daemonheim (depending on your teleportation device) and remove more bones to sacrifice.
  9. Repeat steps 3-8 to continue worshiping Ectofuntus.

Remember, worshiping the Ectofuntus grants you 4 times more prayer experience. For example, sacrificing normal bones will give you 18 experience instead of 4.5. Similarly, sacrificing valuable dragon bones will grant you 288 experience instead of the usual 72.

Ectofuntus too boring (or creepy)? Try offering your bones to the usual Runescape gods.

Worshiping a giant ball of green slime can be a little intimidating and even embarrassing. If that is true for you, then all hope is not lost yet. Offering your bones to the gods also enhances the prayer experience. Offering you bones on a golden marble altar with two burning incense burners earns you 3.5 times more experience than if you buried them normally.

Now, where can a person find a golden marble altar with two burning incense burners? You can make one yourself if you have a build level of 75. If you don’t, and you probably won’t, follow the step-by-step instructions below to easily access such a switch.

  1. Select a Runescape server that focuses on player-owned house parties (PoH worlds).
  2. Go to Yanille.
  3. Remove as many bones from your inventory as you can. You should be able to carry 28 bones since you wouldn’t have anything else to clog your prayer training in your inventory.
  4. Head to the western side of Yanille. There will be a purple portal that will allow you to visit a “friend’s” house. Stop right there.
  5. You should see a lot of people advertising a player’s house. Look for players who advertise a player’s home that includes a “g alter” or have a build level of 75 or higher. Write that player’s name on the portal.
  6. Go to the chapel room. You will likely see many players congregated in the chapel.
  7. Use your bones on the altar. Your bones will slowly be placed on the altar and sent to the gods above, granting you 3.5 times more experience than you would normally receive if you buried them.
  8. When you’ve slaughtered your bone inventory, exit the house and go to the bank in East Yanille.
  9. Repeat steps 3 through 8 to continue offering your bones to the gods.

Although using this method grants less experience than you would from sacrificing bones to the Ectofuntus, you will likely be able to get more bones in the time saved by using the golden altar, ultimately granting you more prayer experience.

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