Cataclysm TradeskillMaster (TSM) Add-on

Everyone has heard of the auctioneer, right? That is the plugin with over two million downloads that helps you earn gold in World of Warcraft. Before I get into the newest plugin to make wow gold that works with auctioneer in cataclysm, called TradeskillMaster (TSM), I’d like to first go over what makes auctioneer successful.

1. The auctioneer tracks data for all items on the auction house.

Think about the stock market, wouldn’t it be great to see the current price of items on the auction house, just like stocks in the real world? Well, the auctioneer allows you to track the “market value” of your items so you know how to price them according to this daily updated amount.

2. The auctioneer helps you search the auction house.

It’s nice to click search and find what you need all the time, right? Well, with the standard auction house, that’s not always the case. Auctioneer improves all the standard features for searching in cataclysm and then goes on to add a couple dozen additional improvements like sorting by seller, by market value, by profitability to resale, etc.

3. Auctioneer helps you list your items.

Posting is a pain, even with the updated auction house in cataclysm, especially if you have thousands of items to sell. Just remembering the values ​​is exhausting, let alone typing them over and over again! Auctioneer allows you to store data based on how you want to sell items and then simply push batch post to throw it into the auction house with one click.

So what is TradeskillMaster and how does it come into play?

TSM works alongside the auctioneer, literally appearing next to the auction house tab when you talk to an auctioneer in wow. It has several features that automate and simplify auctioneer processes, as well as further enhance these features. It also helps automate decision making for manufacturing, selling, and cancellation.

1. Shopping lists

Do you want to simply purchase the list of items you need for your auction house business? Now you can press a button and see all the items you would like to use for crafting.

2. Auto Smart Post

Now you can base your price on the percentage cost of the materials needed, not just the set values ​​you used to have to create yourself with auctioneer setup. Creating rule sets that are much more advanced than the standard auctioneer functionality is also possible and quite easy to implement.

3. Automatic Cancellation of Undercut Auctions

Cancel your auctions that have been undermined by the competition instantly with the push of a button! You can then use automatic rule sets to intelligently republish them based on current prices and long-term market values.

4. Identify items to craft

Easily see what items you can craft with TSM, and then with a mouse click set them up as part of a crafting queue, identifying the items needed to craft them.

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